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Open Password – Dienstag, den 28. Juni 2022
# 1096
Open Password – Open Password Archiv Plus – Michael Klems – Willi Bredemeier
Blogger-Relevanzindex -Top-50-Bloggerinnen – Faktenkontor – Claudia Tödtmann – Karriere-Blog – DiabSite – Christliches Forum – Rezept-, Koch- und Backideen – Herzlieb – Michaela LührDaWandaBlog – Karriere, Religion und Sport – Felizitas Küble- textilvergehen – Stefanie Fiebig
Outsell – Global Standards Publishing – Tatiana Khayrullina – Standards Publishing Market – Widening Gap Between the Data Needs of Engineers and the Capabilities of Standards Vendors – Advanced Standards Publishing Formats – Standards as Data – ISO/IEC Project – IEEE Open – SAE International – OneQue Digital Standard System – Digitization of the Standards Authoring Process – ISO – IEC – ASTM – UL – Global Data Vision – Quality and Nature of Consensus – Meeting User Expectations – Discoverability – User Data- Standards as Part of an Ecosystem – Cross-Publisher Content – Unbundling Standards for Reuse – Essential Actions – Invest in Marketing – Upgrade Discovery – Ensure that New Standards are Workflow-Friendly – Curate a Focused Information Ecosystem – Leading Standards Publishing Bodies Organization
So wird aus Open Password
das „Open Password Archiv Plus“
Von Michael Klems & Willi Bredemeier
Seit Monaten laufen im Hintergrund die Arbeiten für die Übernahme der Beiträge aus dem aktuellen „Open Password Archiv“ in das “Open Password Archiv Plus” auf der Website von Gern berichten wir Ihnen, wie weit das Projekt fortgeschritten ist und was sich in den nächsten Tagen bis zum endgültigen Umzug am 3. Juli ereignen wird.
Aktuell sind alle Beiträge aus 2022 innerhalb des „Open Password Archiv Plus“ angelegt. Die Verlinkungen innerhalb der Titellisten werden mit dem Erscheinen dieses Pushdienstes gesetzt.
Sie können das “Open Password Archiv Plus” bereits jetzt über diese Adresse ansteuern:
Die Anlage innerhalb der und Menüführung erfolgt am 1. Juli. Die Domain “” bleibt weiter bestehen und wird als Weiterleitung auf die neue Präsenz arbeiten.
Ende der Pushdienste per E-Mail ab dem 1. Juli
Die Funktion der Versendung von Open Password Beiträgen als E-Mail Newsletter entfällt ab 1. Juli. Für das Lesen aktueller Hinweise (Tickermeldungen, Kolumnen und Veranstaltungshinweise) steuern Sie bitte die Webseite des „Open Password Archiv Plus“ an. Wir sind bemüht, zahlreiche aktuelle Bezüge zu liefern und weiterhin einen Touchpoint für die Branche zu schaffen.
Einbindung älterer Beiträge chronologisch und auf Nachfrage
In den kommenden Monaten erfolgt fortlaufend die Anlage der Beiträge aus den Jahren 2021 bis 2016. Im Normalfall würde die Anlage der alten Pushdienst Schritt für Schritt chronologisch erfolgen. Doch die Möglichkeit der Zugriffsauswertungen auf das „Archiv Plus“ und des Online-Dialogs schaffen weitere interessante Möglichkeiten, Inhalte bedarfsorientiert einzuspielen.
Zusätzlich zu der chronologischen Verfügbarmachung der Beiträge werden die Klicks auf die Trefferlisten wöchentlich ausgewertet. Diese zeigen an, wo ein erhöhter Lesebedarf besteht. Diese Beiträge werden vorgezogen und schnellstmöglich eingebunden. Technisch erfolgt die Auswertung über eine Beitragsnummer, die per Klick innerhalb der Titellisten ausgezählt werden.
Zusätzlich kann über ein Online-Formular die vorgezogene Anlage eines Pushdienstes im Archiv angeregt werden. Diese “Beitrags-Wünsche” bekommen gleichfalls eine höhere Priorität.
Zur besseren Orientierung und Verständnis die Agenda der kommenden Tage von „Open Password Archiv Plus“:
- Juni 2022
Die Beiträge aus 2022 sind im Archiv angelegt und über die Titelliste verlinkt. Der Veranstaltungskalender geht online. Gern können Sie uns Ihre Termine mitteilen. Hierzu bitte das Online-Formular unter verwenden.
- Juni 2022
Das Layout innerhalb des Archiv Plus wird weiter optimiert und neue Inhalte werden eingebunden. Nach den Ergebnissen einer SEO-Auswertung werden 54 Beiträge verschiedenster Jahrgänge mit hoher Priorität angelegt.
- Juni 2022
Die „High Priority“-Beiträge aus den Vorjahren werden weiter eingebunden. Diese Arbeiten werden am 1. Juli abgeschlossen.
- Juli 2022
Der Umzug der Domain “” wird über den Provider auf beantragt.
- Juli 2022
Es werden Weiterleitungen auf die neue Präsenz über die Domain “” gesetzt.
- Juli 2022
Der bisherige Provider beendet die Betreuung der Domain “” – der Umzug auf die neue Präsenz ist technisch vollzogen.
Ab dem 4. Juli beginnt die Einbindung des Jahrgangs 2021. Prioritätsbeiträge werden bevorzugt eingebunden. Für 2022 wird mit der Anlage der PDF-Versionen der Pushdienste begonnen.
Bereits am 31.Mai 2022 hatten wir in einem Pushdienst über die Umstellungsarbeiten berichtet. Der Link dazu ist:
Wir nutzen zahlreiche technische Möglichkeiten. Aber auch diese machen viel Klickarbeit. Unterbrechungen wollen wir so kurz wie möglich halten und bitten für diese um Ihr Verständnis!
Für Anregungen und Ideen sind und bleiben wir offen. Schreiben Sie uns!
Deutschlands Top-50-Bloggerinnen
(Faktenkontor) Titelverteidigung gelungen: Wirtschaftswoche-Redakteurin Claudia Tödtmann führt mit ihrem Karriere-Blog das zweite Jahr in Folge das Ranking der einflussreichsten deutschsprachigen Blogs von Frauen an. Das unabhängige Diabetes-Portal DiabSite verbessert sich um vier Plätze und sichert sich Rang zwei im Blog-Ranking. Die Seite „Christliches Forum“ verliert im Vergleich zum Vorjahr einen Platz, bleibt aber mit Position drei weiterhin auf dem Siegertreppchen. Das zeigt eine Auswertung des Blogger-Relevanzindex zu den 50 bedeutendsten Blogs von Frauen. Das Analyse-Tool der Hamburger Kommunikationsberatung Faktenkontor bewertet fortlaufend den Auftritt von rund 2.000 Blogs nach Sichtbarkeit, Verlinkung, Social-Media-Performance, Aktivität und Interaktion mit der Community.
Waren in den Vorjahren vor allem Themen rund um Freizeit, Mode und Lifestyle in der weiblichen Blogosphäre sehr beliebt, stehen im Jahr 2022 Rezept-, Koch- und Backideen hoch im Kurs. Zu der Kategorie Kochen zählt etwa jede vierte Website der Top-50-Blogs. Bestplatziert ist hier erneut „Herzlieb“, der Foodblog von Michaela Lühr, auf dem vierten Rang. Danach folgen „Zucker, Zimt und Liebe“ auf Platz acht und „Backen macht glücklich“ auf Platz elf.
Zwar mussten sie an Bedeutung einbüßen, trotzdem finden sich auch 2022 mehrere Blogs aus dem Bereich Freizeit, Mode und Lifestyle oben im Ranking. Der DaWandaBlog belegt Platz sechs, amazed den neunten Rang. „Josie loves“ fällt allerdings im Vergleich zum Vorjahr vom siebten auf den 22. Platz.
Randthemen: Karriere, Religion und Sport
Nur ein einziger Top-50-Blog beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Religion. Dafür ist dieser umso erfolgreicher: Erneut ergattert das „Christliche Forum“ von Bloggerin Felizitas Küble mit Rang drei einen der begehrten Top-Plätze. Auch beim Thema Sport gibt es eine Einzelkämpferin: Der Berliner Fußball-Blog „textilvergehen“ von Stefanie Fiebig ist das vierte Mal in Folge unter den fünf führenden deutschen Blogs von Frauen. Andere sportlich geprägte Seiten sind in den beliebtesten 50 nicht zu finden. Der dritte Blog abseits der klassischen Frauenthemen beschäftigt sich mit der Karriere – „Berufe Bilder“ von der Verlegerin Simone Janson ist damit alleine in den Top50 und belegt Rang 14.
So funktioniert der Blogger-Relevanzindex: Basis des Top-50-Blogrankings ist der Blogger-Relevanzindex des Faktenkontors. Hierfür werden rund 2.000 Blogs in fünf Disziplinen bewertet. Die Kategorien fließen zu gleichen Teilen in die Berechnung der Gesamtperformance ein: die Sichtbarkeit des Blogs im Internet – die Anzahl der Verlinkungen auf den Blog,- die Social-Media-Aktivitäten des Blogs – die Aktivität des Blogs und die Interaktion des Blogs mit seiner Community.
Outsell´s June Contribution
Global Standards Publishing – Segment View 2022
By Tatiana Khayrullina, Consulting Partner
Part III
Tatiana Khayrullina
Standards publishers serve an end-user market that is rapidly moving to the digital realm. Their core audience consists of engineers engaged in technological transformation in industries increasingly reliant on digital solutions to accelerate product design, streamline processes, collaborate across time zones, and grow market share. Outsell’s broader market intelligence reveals a widening gap between the data needs of engineers and the capabilities of standards vendors, bringing both risks and growth opportunities. Our research for this report highlighted two common themes among all conversations: investing in advanced standards publishing formats and meeting user expectations.
Advanced Standards Publishing Formats
Advanced standards formats effectively turn a narrative document into a data product, suitable for consumption by a machine. The impact of this transformation will spread both upstream and downstream of publishing, affecting the process of standards development and the ability of publishers to commercialize the content.
Standards as Data. The Smart Standards ISO/IEC project and a related initiative by CEN/CENELEC in Europe continued the collection of use cases to focus on standards that will resonate with users once transformed into the next-generation machine-interpretable format. The ISO/IEC project involves over 200 professionals, and some NSBs are preparing pilot projects in 2022.
The standards-as-data concept is at the core of IEEE SA creation of IEEE Open, a repository for standards, including open-source code as a normative requirement. The repository currently hosts 12 standards and has 500 related projects.
SAE International invested in its proprietary OnQue Digital Standards System, which rolled out in early 2021. The product is undergoing trials by early adopters, with six pilots in place at the time of writing, gathering feedback on the systems requirements on the customer side and the ability to integrate with third-party content, which is a crucial request from customers.
Digitization of the Standards Authoring Process. In parallel with developing advanced publishing formats, publishers are working on creating XML-native standards to avoid the expense of converting them later. They are also creating a digital thread from committee deliberations to publication and maintenance of standards. This area has seen an increase in activity from 2021 to early 2022.
ISO and IEC are one year away from rolling out a standards authoring solution integrated with commenting and editing based on NISO STS XML schema. The authoring tool relies on the automatic application of ISO and IEC directives as a document is created, such as normative and informative references and clause numbering. The technology in the backend of the ISO/IEC project is already used by Standards Norway, Austrian Standards, NEN, DIN, SIS (Sweden), and SFS (Finland).
XML-native authoring technology allows for real-time updates to a published standard
and a direct feedback loop to the committee to improve the quality of a standard in real time and encourage development and member retention. A similar feature in authoring is now part of Standards Australia’s digitizing strategy.
ASTM and UL have also updated their authoring platforms. Newcomers to the market, like the ONE+ platform from Global Data Vision, allow XML-native authoring integrated with publishing and distribution platforms.
In Outsell’s opinion, the industry is approaching a milestone in creating a digital value chain from the inception of a standard through drafting to consumption and maintenance. Once the critical mass of participating publishers is reached, XML-native documents will open new avenues for cross-publisher content blending, potentially leading to new growth. However, while there is material progress, the standards publishing market is still several years away from mainstream adoption of XML-native standards development. In terms of barriers, we have noted the criticism of NISO STS XML as not being granular enough for custom content chunking post-publication and therefore not supporting user expectations in the long run.
Aside from the technological nuance, a transition to XML-native authoring — and later on, to machine-interpretable standards — brings fresh concerns about the quality and nature of consensus. This is a fundamental issue for the industry since consensus is essentially its main product. Standards developers had to tackle such concerns in 2020 when they successfully transitioned to the virtual development process. A 100% virtual consensus-building environment calls for different skills on the part of the standards publisher employee leading a technical committee meeting, and standards developers had to cope with this to keep with the publishing schedule. While there is now recognition that virtual standards development works well, there are still issues raised by members regarding the digital-first ways of developing standards and their impact on the nature of consensus. Standards publishers will have to address this need through focused communications with their membership and offering training on the new processes to both employees and members.
As standards developers continue to digitize their operations, they need to be prepared to demonstrate their commitment to the underlying principles of consensus-building and the rigorous vetting at every committee stage of document creation, all without sacrificing any agility in responding to industry needs and adding to development time.
Meeting User Expectations
Standards publishers recognize the need to support end-users in the application of standards to ensure their utility. They also face the reality of implementing fine-tuned marketing tactics to keep penetrating their markets — a stretch for most. Their core audience is practicing engineers, which is a highly fragmented market whose needs vary depending on industry, company size, and role. In addition to this core audience, other user groups — such as skilled trades and regulators — also pose challenges since their ultimate needs differ widely. Regardless of the audience, there are several common facts about the consumption of standards: They are complex to discover and interpret, they are rarely used in isolation, and they are living documents meant for reuse. Meeting user expectations for standards developers entails addressing these standards consumption issues.
Discoverability. Most publishers have invested in improving metadata and updating the search and browse functions of their websites to support discoverability. Usage data, whether obtained directly or through channel partners, remains a crucial source of market intel that feeds discoverability, among other features. Most leading standards developers can track their users’ journeys from discovery to consumption of standards and any related content. As an example, in 2021, DIN was scaling its AI-based digital marketing tool to its total capacity, while BSI relied on highly granular user stats it could obtain through ist enhanced platform.
User data is a point of differentiation for the leading aggregators, which compete on the completeness and transparency of user data they share with their publishing partners in order to hone a common distribution strategy.
Unique to the standards publishing space, there is a concern about the real health and safety implications behind purchasing many standards, resulting in publishers’ reluctance to delegate 100% of customer interaction to a chatbot. We see more emphasis on customer service at the point of sale, support and training on the application of standards, and technical support for digital solutions and software products. Confirming poor discoverability as a persistent deterrent to purchase, consultative sales have remained a single key growth driver for several vendors which whom we have spoken. Semantic search supported by human expertise will remain the winning solution for the near future.
Overall, standards publishers are in step with the rest of the STM market in empowering the individual end-user and creating a sustainable, meaningful relationship supporting users throughout their professional journeys.
Standards as Part of an Ecosystem. Connecting standards to an ecosystem of documents, standards, and non-standards is the area with significant progress to date and the most intense vendor activity in 2021.
Most advancements have occurred in linking documents within the portfolio of a single publisher to improve the interactivity of standards collections. For most NSBs and SDOs, standards-related products — such as handbooks and guidelines, impact assessments, and redlined standards — are already an essential part of the content portfolio, often exclusively available through the standards developer and not through aggregators.
The plurality of standards developers we have talked to are thinking about semantically enriching and interlinking their suites of products to contextualize the consumption of standards, enhance the user experience, and aid with discovery. However, cross-publisher content delivery is lagging. The nature of standards usage dictates that a certain number of leading publishers need to join a specific platform to reach critical mass and tip a solution into mass adoption by the industry. This is a promising area for near-term growth, but it will need cooperation between publishers that is still waiting to happen.
To complicate progress further, different industries call for a different minimum number of core publishers. On the bright side, cross-publisher content delivery is a well-known gap in the market, and in terms of vendor solutions, Realta Online with SL3, Global Data Vision with One+, XSB with Swiss, Copyright Clearance Center with RightFind, and S&P Engineering Solutions with Engineering Workbench all offer such capabilities.
Unbundling Standards for Reuse. In the field of engineering solutions, a marriage of content to workflows and facilitating the ingestion of third-party content into product design and product lifecycle management software are becoming mainstream. For standards publishers, an essential part of meeting user expectations is the well-recognized need to provide users with the information they seek in a standard, which is often just a couple of data points, not the whole document. The standards development space is still far from meeting the industry’s needs in this respect.
Unbundling content for reuse benefits the end-user, but the implications of serving content up in a granular fashion, as allowed by XML, came up often in our research. Standards publishers cite the following barriers to the adoption of this approach to delivering their content:
- Legal Implications: Some standards can be broken by parsing them out since all the related requirements must be implemented correctly. In the case of data, all the required pieces of data need to be present, tested, and accounted for to preserve the integrity of consensus standards and a publisher’s accreditation as an SDO.
• Brand Equity Implications: Publishers are concerned that piecemeal delivery will erase their brands beyond any recognition in the market.
• IP Barriers: Publishers are concerned about the dilution of the copyright associated with entire standards once portions of it are sold separately.
• Financial Implications: There are tools available to corporate libraries to analyze their investments in standards resources versus their consumption. In addition, standards users will grow accustomed to searching within documents and will expect to be charged à la carte for the information they consume. There is still no business model that would support granular delivery of content as a standalone revenue stream.
These obstacles challenge the standards development industry to find a collective resolution. In Outsell’s opinion, delayed progress on the issues of unbundling standards for reuse will impede the implementation of standards as data — this is mission-critical for the industry to address.
Essential Actions
Standards developers cater to a market hungry for focused interactive data sources that integrate smoothly with workflows. Their vetted, expert-curated content remains mission-critical for modern engineers. However, they need to address the gap between their capabilities and the information consumption habits of their core audiences.
There is plenty of room for growth in serving standards users, with multiple avenues to follow, from improving user-centric features to expanding the range of available formats. Publishers have a lot to consider as they build on the learnings of 2021 and further integrate into the broader marketplace of engineering solutions, STM, and e-commerce. We recommend the actions below to focus on critical steps to support growth and not lose sight of both domestic and global opportunities.
Invest in Marketing. Outsell’s research into the standards publishing market shows that the standards’ marketing investments bring tangible dividends. There is enough untapped demand from existing users and enough change in the market to generate new cohorts of users. Standards publishers have long complained about being a “best-kept secret” yet have historically been shy about promoting their products and services. In Outsell’s opinion, the next several years will be critical to up the marketing game as the generational changes and the nature of the remote workplace present growth opportunities for more agile players.
Upgrade Discovery. Poor discovery capabilities have implications beyond wasting a user’s time locating a document they seek. Inadequate discovery suppresses legal consumption of standards as it encourages peer sharing. It may also prompt an interest in pirated papers if those are more discoverable. New and inexperienced standards users will be frustrated if left to navigate the complex standards ecosystem alone, especially as part of a remote workforce.
Discoverability starts with the search and browse functions on the website, but it does not end there. Improved metadata, “explainer” videos helping with standards, and a well-trained sales team prepared to step in with guidance will add to greater discoverability.
Ensure that New Standards are Workflow-Friendly. Standards are only one component of workflows, which are increasingly digital, especially in the context of “remote engineering” post-pandemic. The high rate of standards in PDF and the reluctance of standards developers to provide granular XML content spell inefficiencies in standards content compatibility with workflows. Most standards publishers have content libraries with thousands of documents, making digitization of entire collections a daunting and costly undertaking. However, it is critical to ensure that new standards be compatible with digital workflows to reduce the backlog of flat documents overall.
Curate a Focused Information Ecosystem. Users of standards have a varied information diet and an appetite for different types of content that they would consider mission-critical and use at least weekly. Curating such content for the user is a value-add in the current environment of information overload. It offers another way for standards publishers to stay relevant and keep user attention on their platforms. Industry news, vendor presentations, training materials, and data visualization are types of content that can be supplied by third parties, with standards publishers acting as vetted channels and limiting the number of resources that users need to monitor to stay up to date in their fields.
Appendix 1: Leading Standards Publishing Bodies Organization
Source: Outsell, Inc.
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