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Open Password – Montag, den 7. September 2020
# 818
Academic Publishing in Europe – Arnoud de Kemp – Scholarly Publishing – Walter de Gruyter Foundation – Berlin Institute for Scholarly Publishing – Programme Commitee – Eric Merkel-Sobotta – Facebook – Donald Trump – Political Ads – Outsell – GBI-Genios – GENIOS-Monitoring – Steilvorlagen 2020 – Sabine Graumann – Yannick Rieder – Sage Publications – Werner Braun
The Future of the APE Conference
has been secured
A Farewell from Arnoud de Kemp (partly)
Arnoud de Kemp
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Participants, Sponsors, and Friends of the APE Conferences,
Important Announcement: The Future of the APE Conference has been secured!
Since its inception in 2006, the annual APE Conference has become the annual meeting place for all stakeholders in scholarly communication and scientific publishing. APE Conferences are carefully curated and well-known for offering a broad perspective, from the basics of academic publishing, reputation, reliable quality, reproducibility, the role of peer review, sustainability, funding, to information infrastructure, open data/open science and technological advances in the future.
After 15 years of intensive work as a soloist, I am delighted that the future of the APE conference is secured. Since the Summer of 2019 I have been looking for options to continue my work. Today I am more than happy to announce that I have signed an agreement with the Walter de Gruyter Foundation. For this purpose the Foundation has registered the Berlin Institute for Scholarly Publishing (BISP) gGmbH. Both the Foundation and BISP are registered as non-profit charitable organizations under German law, and neither are controlled by the eponymous publishing company. To find out more information on BISP, please visit
BISP will continue the tradition and organize the conference over the next three years. During this period, I will act as an advisor to BISP for all activities relating to the successful organization of the conference, and I will chair the Programme Committee. This will ensure continuity and quality.
Managing Director Eric Merkel-Sobotta will oversee the business affairs of BISP in conjunction with German legal requirements. He will be supported by a BISP secretariat that will organize the day-to-day running of the conference and which will also support the chairman of the Program Committee….
The next APE Conference, APE 2021, is scheduled for 11–13 January 2021. See
In the future, surpluses arising from APE Conferences will be used to develop a curriculum to provide career development seminars for early-career publishers and researchers within the Berlin Institute for Scholarly Publishing, which will collaborate with other organizations to encourage and develop best-practice within the wider scholarly ecosystem.
Practical aspects:
So far the organizational aspects of the conference have been managed by my one-man company digiprimo GmbH and these will be handed over to the Berlin Institute for Scholarly Publishing (BISP) gGmbH.
This mail is my opportunity to inform you about the use of your contact data – and your rights with respect to data protection – within the context of the transfer. So that you will continue to receive information about the APE Conference, I intend to transfer your contact data (primarily your e-mail address) to BISP. BISP will, of course, only use this data within the rules stipulated by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Law (BDSG). Your contact data will be used exclusively for the APE Conference and will not be sold or rented to third parties.
Should you disagree with the transfer of your contact data to the Berlin Institute for Scholarly Publishing, you have the right to object. Please register your objection within two weeks of receipt of this e-mail with The contact data of anyone registering an objection will be deleted and will not be transferred to BISP and you will not receive further information about the APE Conference. Should you not register your objection within the deadline above, we will take this as a sign that you wish to continue to receive all information about the APE Conference and agree to digiprimo GmbH transferring your contact data to the Berlin Institute for Scholarly Publishing (BISP) gGmbH. Your right to have your contact data deleted by BISP afterwards is not affected.
I would like to thank you for your interest in the APE Conference for all of these years, and would be delighted to welcome you to the next conference – as always in the Leibniz Hall of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
With best wishes, Arnoud de Kemp,
APE Founder and Organizer since 2005
Facebook Moves to Limit Election Chaos in November
Facebook moved to clamp down on any confusion about the November election on its service, rolling out a sweeping set of changes to try to limit voter misinformation and prevent interference from President Trump and other politicians. Facebook said it planned to bar any new political ads on its site in the week before Election Day.
Source: Outsell
Steilvorlagen 2020: Die letzten freien Plätze
für die Präsenzveranstaltung
Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Bredemeier,
GENIOS-Monitoring: Neue Layout-Option. Mit einem Monitoring können Sie sich bequem über neue Treffer zu Ihren Suchprofilen informieren lassen. Sie können nun zwischen zwei unterschiedlichen Layouts für Ihre Monitorings wählen:
- Newsletter-Layout: Größere Thumbnails und längere Textanläufe für eine bessere Einschätzung der Inhalte.
- Listen-Layout: Komprimierte Ansicht im Stil der Trefferliste für einen schnellen Überblick.
Das Layout können Sie für neue Monitorings direkt bei der Einrichtung bzw. für bestehende Monitorings im Bereich „Monitoring & TrendReports“ in „Mein GENIOS“ für jedes Monitoring einzeln auswählen. Wählen Sie dazu unter „Personalisierung“ innerhalb von „Weitere Einstellungen“ einfach das gewünschte Layout aus. (Standardmäßig werden Monitorings im Newsletter-Layout angelegt.)
Steilvorlagen 2020: Restplätze für die Präsenzveranstaltung & Interviews.
Bis zur Fachkonferenz „Steilvorlagen für den Unternehmenserfolg 2020“ sind es nur noch knapp 6 Wochen. Für die Präsenzveranstaltung im MARTIM Hotel in Frankfurt sind inzwischen nur noch wenige Restplätze verfügbar. Melden Sie sich jetzt an! Die Kunden von GBI-Genios können kostenlos an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen. Einen Promotion-Code kann einfachn angefordert werden. Falls Sie es verpasst haben: Im Open-Password-Newsletter wurden im August Interviews mit Dr. Sabine Graumann und Tim Brouwer, sowie Yannick Rieder zu den Themen der Konferenz geführt.
Neue Datenbanken. Von Sage Publications sowie medizinische Fachzeitschriften.
Mit den Besten Grüßen!
Werner Braun, Marketing Manager GENIOS
Open Password
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