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Open Password – Montag, den 22. Februar 2021

# 889

ISI 2021 – Information Behavior – Information Literacy – Information Infrastructure – Programmkommittee – Classification & Evaluation – Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaft – Digital Humanities – Information Retrieval – Information Needs & Search – Knowledge Representation – Emerging Technologies

Zoom – Talent – Transformation – Trust – Business Leaders – Eric Young – Challenges – Agile and Lasting Organizations – Radical Flexibility – Hybrid Workforce – Boston Consulting Group – Workspaces – Pandemic-era Selling Models – Digital Platforms – Culture of Trust – Security & Privacy – Video Communications

International Symposium on Information Science
(ISI 2021)

From Information Behavior & Information Literacy to Information Infrastrukture

Internationalisierung und Verjüngung
des Programmkommittees


  1. März (9 Uhr) – 10 März (19 Uhr), International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2021) – Virtual Event. Free of Charge. http// Von der Home Page aus wird man direkt zur Registrierung geleitet.

Auf der Website hieß es noch am 21. Februar: „Currently, we are still working on the symposium´s final programm. The finished programm will be published on shortly. … Currently, we are still working on additional events, such as social events, research events and tours. The finished event list, with further information on how to partcipate, will be published on shortly“.

Unter „Program“ finden sich Hinweise zu den vorgesehenen Inhalten:

Montag, 8. März: Information Behavior & Information Literacy – Processes of Classification & Evaluation – Doctoral Consortium I und II – Student´s Program – Jahreshauptversammlung des Hochschulverbandes Informationswissenschaft (17 Uhr)

Dienstag, 9. März: Digital Humanities – Information Retrieval – Information Needs & Search – Knowledge Representation – Emerging Technologies – Doctoral Consortium III

Mittwoch, 10. März: Information Infrastruktur – Information Behavior & Infomation Literacy II

Es schließt sich ein Workshop am Donnerstag, 11. März, 9 Uhr, an („Express your Research“).

Im Programmkommittee hat eine Verjüngung und Internationalisierung stattgefunden. Dem Komitee gehören derzeit an:

Tatjana Aprac Jelusic – University of Zadar

Ingo Barkow – FH Graubünden, Chur

Christoph Bläsi – Study of the Book / Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

Timo Breuer – TH Köln (University of Applied Science)

Manuel Burghardt – University of Leipzig

Maximilian Eibl – Chemnitz Technical University

David Elsweiler – University of Regensburg

Rebecca Frank – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Norbert Fuhr – University of Duisburg-Essen

Maria Gaede – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin School of Library and Information Science

Ursula Georgy – TH Köln (University of Applied Science)

Bela Gipp – UC Berkeley, California and University of Konstanz/Wuppertal, Germany

Juan Gorraiz – University of Vienna

Michael Granitzer – University of Passau

Joachim Griesbaum – University of Hildesheim

Vicente Pablo, Guerrero-Bote – University of Extremadura

Felix Hamborg – University of Konstanz

Siegfried Handschuh – University of St. Gallen

Gernot Heisenberg – Technical University of Applied Sciences Cologne

Niels Henze – University of Regensburg

Ulrich Herb – Repository Manager, Specialist Electronic Publishing & Open Access

Gerhard Heyer – University of Leipzig

Hans-Christoph Hobohm – FH Potsdam

Isto Huvila – Uppsala University

Yvonne Kammerer – Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen

Markus Kattenbeck – TU Wien

Dowan Kim – Pai Chai University, Daejeon, Südkorea

Udo Kruschwitz – University of Regensburg

Rainer Kuhlen – Universität Konstanz

Dirk Lewandowski – HAW Hamburg

Bernd Ludwig – University Regensburg

Thomas Mandl – University of Hildesheim

Zinaida Manžuch – Vilnius University

Philipp Mayr – GESIS – Leibniz Institut für Sozialwissenschaften

Florian Meier – Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Norman Meuschke – University of Wuppertal

Antje Michel – FH Potsdam

Heike Neuroth – University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Achim Osswald – Cologne University of Applied Sciences

Franjo Pehar – University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences

Isabella Peters – ZBW, Kiel

Vivien Petras – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Wolf Rauch – University of Graz

Gerhard Reichmann – Uni Graz

Ulrich Reimer – Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

Juergen Reischer – Information Science @ University of Regensburg

Philipp Schaer – TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences)

Thomas Schmidt – Universität Regensburg

Jasmin Schmitz – ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences

Stefan,Schmunk – University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt

Melanie Siegel – Hochschule Darmstadt

Elisabeth Staudegger – Universität Graz

Julia Maria Struß – University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Gabriela Tullius – Reutlingen University

Dirk Tunger – Forschungszentrum Jülich, Central Library

Sirje Virkus – Tallinn University

Albert Weichselbraun – University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons

Raphael Wimmer – University of Regensburg

Christian Wolff – Media Computing, Regensburg University

Christa Womser-Hacker – University of Hildesheim

Maja Žumer – University of Ljubljana

Password Onlines

Unternehmen des Jahres 2021/2020
(Zweiter Teil)


Talent, Transformation and Trust
– the critical factors to future success
and how business leaders can begin
taking action now

By Eric Young, Founder und CEO of Zoom

Eric Young

One of the things I love most about my work is the time I spend with customers and colleagues talking about the challenges they face, and what it takes to build innovative, sustainable, lasting organizations. For many, navigating the challenges presented by the pandemic has thrown what’s most important into stark relief.

The same three themes come up again and again: talent, transformation, and trust. I am more convinced than ever that these are the most essential needs for building forward with confidence.

Organizations that…

  • empower talent to be productive from anywhere
  • reimagine legacy processes as transformed services
  • provide the secure, safe, and private means to collaborate with confidence

… will create environments in which we can do our best work.

From pioneering tech startups to multinational banks, from the most innovative educators to healthcare leaders, these pillars are essential to building agile, lasting organizations. C-level executives embracing these guideposts will help support their teams in the work they are doing to build forward.

Here is why we believe talent, transformation, and trust to be so critical to future success and how business leaders can begin taking action now.


Talent: Recruit, onboard, retain & enable top talent


People are core to business success, and leaders will support employees by embracing the concept of radical flexibility. They will build organizations around a hybrid workforce that is empowered to decide where, when, and how they work – and that is evaluated by the results they deliver.

Organizations that fail to nurture a perpetual hybrid model are at risk of losing top talent essential for building a resilient business. In a Boston Consulting Group survey of 12,000 professionals, 60% said that they want flexibility in where and when they work.

The work of supporting talent also extends to the physical realm. As hybrid teams return to the office, workspace needs will be different. Flexible strategies like hot desking, where employees don’t have an assigned workstation, might be more cost-effective as teams stagger in-office schedules and as your workplace teams navigate food, safety, and long-term space considerations. At the same time, employees will need interactive spaces designed for group work and deep thinking.

We need to be prepared to support all of these constructs, which are simultaneously flexible and highly customized, to enable the modern workforce.


Transformation: Serve customers with preferred go-to-market
and modern service offerings


During the past year, we’ve all had to transform the processes for how we sell, how we deliver services, and how we develop our workforce. Customers are saying that they like what they see, and it is clear that expectations for how they buy and how they consume services is changing for the long term.

For example, going forward, IT leaders will partner with the sales organization to support continuing pandemic-era selling models that are based largely on digital platforms, and align with product teams to aid in transforming existing processes into modern service delivery. This will be the blueprint for organizations to offer modern, multi-modal services, and Zoom is here to support that.


Trust: Ensure consistent security, safety, and individual privacy


No vision for a sustainable organization can be realized without creating a culture of trust. Our workforce and customers are in constant motion – working across apps, devices, locations. The solutions we pick need to be able to flex to support them wherever they are, while providing constant levels of security and privacy without getting in the way of productivity.

The conversation today is about digital and physical safety and personal privacy for our workforce and our customers. When we know that we are engaged in an environment that is physically safe and digitally secure wherever we are – and are confident that our privacy is protected – we can do our best work.


Building forward


These pillars should guide how we plan for the future, build our products, and serve our customers and workforce. And when I think about the role of video communications in this context, I believe they’ll provide the foundation to empower people to accomplish great things.

In coming weeks, we’ll dive deeper into what each of these pillars will mean to the modern organization and how talent, transformation, and trust will drive the future of business.

Open Password

Forum und Nachrichten
für die Informationsbranche
im deutschsprachigen Raum

Neue Ausgaben von Open Password erscheinen viermal in der Woche.

Wer den E-Mai-Service kostenfrei abonnieren möchte – bitte unter eintragen.

Die aktuelle Ausgabe von Open Password ist unmittelbar nach ihrem Erscheinen im Web abzurufen. Das gilt auch für alle früher erschienenen Ausgaben.

International Co-operation Partner:

Outsell (London)
Business Industry Information Association/BIIA (Hongkong)

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