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Open Password – Dienstag,
den 20. März 2018
Lexis Nexis – Compliance-Risiko – Frankreich – Salvatore Saporito – Simon Baptist – Economist Intelligence Unit – Länderrisiken – Social -Media-Influencer – Miki Vayloyan – Transparency International – Länderkorruption – Corporate Social Responsibility – Jon von Tetzchner – Vivaldi – Beacon-Technologie – iBeacon – Eddystone – Apple – Google -Unacast – Dow Jones – Factiva – Salesforce – Data:Search
Provider´s Corner
Social-Media-Influencer finden:
Relevanz, Glaubwürdigkeit, Beständigkeit,
Engagement und Netzwerk
LexisNexis hat neu branchenrelevante Beiträge in seinem Blog publiziert:
Das Compliance-Risiko in Frankreich: Salvatore Saporito stellt dar, wie Frankreich im Kampf gegen Korruption als Impulsgeber agiert und wie wichtig die Errichtung eines Compliance-Programms nach ISO 37001 ist
So wägt ein international tätiger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler politische und wirtschaftliche Risiken ab. Simon Baptist von der Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) erläutert im Interview, wie Unternehmen politische und wirtschaftliche Risiken früh identifizieren und wie ihnen zu begegnen ist.
5 Wege, Social-Media-Influencer zu messen. Das verrät uns Miki Vayloyan. Entscheidend sind Relevanz, Glaubwürdigkeit, Beständigkeit, Engagement und Netzwerk.
2 von 3 Ländern weisen hohe Korruption auf. Nach dem Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex von Transparency International befindet sich Deutschland mit 81 von 100 möglichen Punkten auf den 12. Platz. Ganz vorn wie immer die skandinavischen Länder, aber auch die Niederlande und die Schweiz (von Salvatore Saporito).
UN-Welttag der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und Corporate Social Responsibility. Unternehmen müssen die eigenen Lieferketten frei von moderner Sklaverei und anderen ausbeuterischen Praktiken halten (von Salvatore Saporito).
Empfohlen und weitergelesen
Ever had the feeling
you are being followed?
You are
Jon von Tetzchner, CEO von Vivaldi und Interviewpartner von Open Password zu den dunkleren Seiten von Google, hat vor der Beacon-Technologie gewarnt, da diese weitaus umfassendere Angriffe als GPS und WiFi auf die Privatsphäre ermöglicht und von den Internet-Konzern unter dem Radar der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit bereits weitgehend eingesetzt wird:
„In 2013 Apple created iBeacon, which is a technology based on Bluetooth. Here is what Wikipedia says about iBeacon:
iBeacon is based on Bluuetooth low energy proximity sensing by transmitting a universally unique identifier picked up by a compatible app or operating system. The identifier and several bytes sent with it can be used to determine the device´s physical location, track customers, or trigger a location-based action in the device such as a check-in on social media or a push notification.
Google quickly followed suit with the release of Eddystone, a technology similar to iBeacons.
The gates to complete tracking were open. The most common technology used for tracking location is GPS. … And now with the Beacon technology, we can be followed even more closely, even inside buildings. For instance, when you take a close look at a particular dress in a store, the store knows ist und saves all that information.
Some time ago, a story on a Norwegian startup, Unacast, caught my eye. … Here´s an excerpt from their recent press release: „Unacast ist he first company to enable a scalable way for retailers and brands to retarget customers online based on accurate behavior in the physical sphere.“…
Unfortunately, the large companies, such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook all resort to spying on us. The indulge in hyper-targeted advertising based on more and more intrusive personal surveillance. This, in my opinion, is unethical and wrong. …
Regulation can take time to come into effect. The most pragmativ way to protect our own interest then is to boycott companies that indulge in such practices.“
In: John von Tetzchner, Privacy: Ever had the feeling you are being followed? You are, in:
Nachricht von Dow Jones – Factiva
App on the Salesforce AppExchange
Dow Jones has launched the Factiva app on the Salesforce AppExchange, empowering businesses to connect with their customers, partners and employees in entirely new ways. The Factiva app offers customers access to content from 33,000 premium news sources and over 20 million public and private company profiles.
Factiva’s unique set of sources is now fully integrated into the Salesforce platform, allowing customers to add company, people and financial news and data directly into their workflows.
Built on the Salesforce Platform, the Factiva app for Salesforce is currently available on the AppExchange at
The Factiva app enables sales teams to:
- Add Factiva company news and data to Salesforce account pages to understand the issues impacting customers and prospects.
- Identify when the volume of media coverage about a key account changes, revealing sales opportunities and risk factors.
- Monitor critical trends, competitors and industries, and receive customized alerts on companies and topics of interest.
- Share content across their organization via Chatter, Salesforce’s proprietary chat platform.
- Look-up any company on Factiva’s Companies & Executives platform, which provides company information, stock price, peer groups, latest financials and company news alerts.
New users of the Factiva app will benefit from subscriber access to and, as well as Factiva’s Companies & Executives and iPhone app.
The Factiva app is available in ten languages and can display content in 28 languages. …
Call for Papers
12th July, DATA:SEARCH – International Workshop on Searching Data on the Web – In conjunction with SIGIR’2018 – – Topics of Interest:
* Analyzing behavioral traces during data search
* Approaches to personalization and contextualization in dataset search
* Data indexing and profiling approaches
* Data summarization
* Dataset representation for retrieval (standards, models, workarounds)
* Decentralized and distributed architectures and algorithms in data search
* Deep linking of datasets
* Entity recognition in datasets
* Evaluation of dataset search tools and algorithms
* Fusing, cleaning, ranking dataset search results
* Information seeking behavior for data (interactive data retrieval)
* Learning to rank for data search
* Query routing taking into account relevance, quality and profiles of distributed
* Retrieval models for data search
* Scalability and performance of distributed data queries
* Search results presentation for datasets
* Semantic dataset search
* Systems and user studies in data search in vertical domains, including transport,
geospatial data, science, weather etc.
* Usability of data portals and data discovery tools
* User modeling for data search
* Visual and speech interfaces to datasets
FAQ + Hilfe