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Open Password – Freitag,
den 7. Februar 2020

# 702

Enterprise of the Year – Outsell – Information and Analytics Economy – Brand – Quality – Open Password – Anthea Stratigos – Pionierjahre – Breakthroughs – E-Briefs – EPS – David Worlock – Studies – Market Education – Recessions – Leadership Community – Growth Framework – New Technologies – Trust – Market Technology – CRM Solutions – Pharma Slutions – HR Servics – STM . Education Market and Services – Jeannine Bettancourt – Gender Diversity – Macmillan – American Library Association – Practice Fusion – Opioid Medication – Scroll – Werbefreier Journalismus – Bloomberg – Klimawandel – Hispanic American Periodicals – EBSCO – Elsevier – 3D4Medical – Complete Anatomy – LinkedIn –

Unternehmen des Jahres 2019/2020:
Outsell (London)

Serving in the Data, Information
and (soon to be) Analytics Economy

Brand, Brand, Brand! Quality, Quality, Quality!

Outsell (London) ist Open Passwords internationaler Kooperationspartner Open Passwords Wahl zum Unternehmen des Jahres 2019. Zur Begründung unserer Wahl schrieben wir Anfang Januar unter anderem:

Open Password profitiert von Outsell mit der Übernahme internationaler Nachrichten und einmal im Monat mit einer profunden Analyse zu einer zentralen Entwicklung im Informationssektor, die auch im deutschsprachigen Raum von großer Bedeutung ist. Outsell ist auch im internationalen Vergleich in mehreren Punkten einzigartig:

  • mit seinem kommerziellen und publizistischen Überleben und anhaltenden wirtschaftlichen Erfolgen von den Pioniertagen der Online-Branche bis heute, während national und international alle benachbarten Publikationen, soweit sie sich nicht auf Subventionen stützen, untergegangen sind (von Password und Open Password wollen wir an dieser Stelle nicht reden)
  • mit einer weitgehend vollständigen publizistischen Begleitung des Informationssektors in den angelsächsischen Ländern, das heißt insbesondere Großbritannien und die USA, und dies nicht nur in der Nachrichtenberichterstattung, sondern auch mit der Verfügbarmachung von Hintergrundinformationen und der Analyse von Entwicklungen – dies einschließlich der Entdeckung und Analyse neuer Trends sowie der Erarbeitung von Vorschlägen zur Unternehmensstrategie und Politikgestaltung (das gemeinnützig orientierte Password versucht Ähnliches auch immer wieder, muss sich dabei aber auf die Interessengebiete seiner Autoren stützen und alle diese Interessengebiete zusammengenommen ergeben leider keine vollständige thematische Abdeckung);
  • mit eigenen Studien und Veranstaltungen, die die Debatte in UK (einschließlich der USA) vorangebracht haben.

Wir sprachen mit dem CEO von Outsell, Anthea Stratigos.

Wir sprachen mit dem CEO von Outsell, Anthea Stratigos.

Congratulations, Anthea: Outsell is our choice as enterprise of the year.

Thank you.


The Invention: Delivering the Basics Needed About the Information Industry.

Wie kamen Sie auf die Idee, Outsell zu gründen?

I had been in high technology market research, an information business owned by AC Nielsen and then bought by D&B when they bought Nielsen. Over my career I kept hearing execs in the company say they were in high tech. I said we were in information COVERING high tech. There was a difference. When I left that company and went to another information business the company was planning on going public. I was in charge of the marketing portion of the filing documents and was told that I needed to have independent market statistics for what I was citing. I said it didn’t exist. The banker told me I couldn’t commission my own study.

It became clear there was a hole in the market as there was nowhere for me to go to get the basics needed about the industry. The company didn’t go public. I felt that there was an opportunity for a company like Outsell and launched. They say ‘mother is the need of invention’ and I came home from that job telling my husband I thought there was a ‘there there’. We made some calls and the rest is history when we secured our first two clients.

Zwei Kunden, das hört sich bescheiden an. Ging es so weiter?

Early on it was four of us. Then five. We had two clients retain us for consulting which turned out to be our R*D funding. We then decided to launch a syndicated service. We grew organically hiring one analyst at a time. Our first entry into market after those two consulting companies was for my husband and one contractor to travel to Online and meet prospective clients to introduce us. They had meeting after meeting and the rest is history as we secured several new clients who subscribed to our services.

Wie schafften Sie den Durchbruch?

The biggest breakthrough was our newsletter called e-briefs. We discussed major news about the industry each Friday and analyzed key headlines under a templated banner. We’d built a database of names and then launched this on the industry one Friday afternoon. The e-briefs put Outsell on the map as no one had seen anything like it. It was a hit and ended up being our best marketing.

We could see the internet taking down the walls but when we looked across industry the market couldn’t hear us.

Dann kam das Wachstum und zugleich die Internationalisierung.

We grew organically and tried to operate within our means given we were self-funded. We were profitable working off of renewable revenue streams but tried not to get ahead of ourselves. It became clear in the mid 2000’s that clients wanted international coverage. EPS was heading into the US. David Worlock, owner of EPS und highly respected author about the publisher and the information markets, and I began conversations and a year or two later (I believe in 2006) we acquired EPS and brought our flagship communities into the marketplace. We do custom studies internationally but do not syndicate. It’s too challenging on a self-funded model. In 2010 we brought in an investor and began retooling the business for the changing times. This included shifting analyst coverage, looking at software and convergence and beginning to think about our focus serving CEOs and their exec team serving in the data, information and (soon to be) analytics economy.

Was waren Ihre schwierigsten und erfolgreichsten Zeiten?

Outsell’s Signature Event and our conferences have always been a highlight of what we do. Clients love the experience and say we offer some of the best in the US/UK. The difficult times revolved around the market education we underestimated when we launched. The market was conditioned on newsletters and consulting and we entered with a syndicated service. It was a model familiar to companies in technology but not in information services. Even though we knew early on the two would converge our market didn’t. We also saw things across segments of the industry and were prescient in that regard. But our clients were still in their ‘silos’ thinking about book publishing, magazines, newspapers or databases and CD ROM. We could see the internet taking down the walls but when we looked across industry the market couldn’t hear us. We needed to speak the language of their segment. In that respect we were very ahead of the market but it made it hard early on because we underestimated the perceptions.

We also managed through multiple recessions –, one smaller one later, and then the great recession. We survived and even thrived but it wasn’t without its sleepless nights.


Fanatical About Our Analysis. Inside the Outsell Growth Framework.

Nun, da Sie etabliert sind, was sind die Geheimnisse Ihres Erfolges?

I’m a huge believe in brand brand brand and quality quality quality. We’re fanatical about our analysis and about how we use the Outsell name. I also think the secret of a great company is in great talent and knowing what we’re good at and do well (focus) and what not. When we have strayed from focus its when we’ve learned the hardest (and best) lessons.

Lassen sich diese Erfolge in Zahlen beschreiben?

Our website shows our team, extended network. We have about 300 clients around the world and serve thousands of users. About 15000 read our headlines every day.

Wie sieht Ihr Produktportfolio aus und wie lautet Ihr Geschäftsmodell?

Our flagship offering is Outsell’s Leadership Community for executives and their teams who operate in the data, information and analytics economy. This is our syndicated research and analysis with a community ‘wrapper’. We augment this custom consulting when the questions are hyper specific or the needs equally so, germane to an individual company and their business issues. We focus on market, competitors, operating benchmarks and best practices all focused on growth – what we call the Outsell Growth Framework. Our business model: 80% subscription and 20% bespoke.


Planning the Future and Worldwide Developments in 2020:

The hottest growth for the next few years to be in segments focused on the intersection of data and analytics

Wie wird sich Outsell in den kommenden Jahren verändern?

We are continuing to develop our communities of practice around key functional areas necessary to run a modern information company. These evolve around the Outsell Growth Framework our tried and true approach to strategic planning and product execution that support growth today. Each function has a role to play and we advise into those roles as well as create communities that flourish. These will be enabled digitally and be built off our flag-ship offering for CEOs, COOs in data, information and publishing organizations. As always there is also more coverage about new technologies such as RPA (Robotic Process Automation), VR/AR (Virtual and Augmented Reality), ML/AI blockchain (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the context of blockchain) and IoT (Internet of Things). How many acronyms there are! Always more to follow and translate implications for our c-level clients operating information businesses.

Haben Sie neue Angebote in der Pipeline?

These communities for sure. We also have a partner ecosystem that offers advice beyond what we do in the growth framework. So if someone needs branding, sales training, or a technology architecture or a modern marketing tech stack we have practitioners who have done that work to augment the support we provide. We are excited about it and building our own platform ecosystem for this information services space.

Und wie wird sich die Informationsindustrie in 2020 verändern?

This is the 22nd year that we’ve prepared our annual Outlook on trends and predictions that will shape the year ahead, providing guidance and essential actions for CEOs, their teams, and investors operating in the data, information, and analytics economy. All are zeroing in on their business plans for the coming year. In this report, we cover key themes and predictions of what’s ahead, name our annual 50 Companies to Watch, and provide essential actions to take in the coming year. Our 2019 theme was Trust Is the New Algorithm. By nearly all accounts, it resonated loudly with our clients. As a new decade approaches, we see trust being as important and necessary as ever.

We estimate that the worldwide revenue of the information sector surpassed the threshold of 1,8 Trillion Dollar. In 2018, the industry grew 5.6% overall rather than hovering around the typical 3%. As we look out to 2020 and beyond, our consensus forecast is that this growth will begin to return to historical norms as the global economy cools and gains from analytics driven opportunities begin to be offset by all things „open“. We will see the shift begin by 2020.

Growth continues to be driven by tech-infused data offerings, while ad-supported offerings largely remain constrained or are declining. Compared to prior years, not much has changed in terms of the current segments driving the greatest growth, with MarTech (Marketing Technology) and HR Services (Human Resources) two of the most prominent areas with opportunities reflecting shifts in how companies look to engage with customers and employees. However, even more tepid markets continue to have pockets of strong opportunity.

We continue to expect the hottest growth for the next few years to be in segments focused on the intersection of data and analytics. We anticipate these segments growing significantly faster than the overall industry growth rate of 3.1% during the forecast period through 2022:

  • MarTech and CRM Solutions
  • Education Management Solutions
  • Pharma Information & Solutions
  • HR Services and Solutions.

In the near term, we also see strong opportunities within specific vertical areas of B2B, for example, within agriculture, energy, real estate, and IT.

The Yellow Pages & Directories and News segments continue to be drag on industry growth. Going forward we expect Science, Technology and Medical Information and Teaching & Learning Solutions to be among the markets holding back growth as they deal with the headwinds against top-line revenue from open access and price pressure on digital solutions.

Anthea Stratigos

By Jeannine Bettencourt (Outsell)

Anthea C. Stratigos is a Silicon Valley CEO, wife, mother, public speaker, and writer, among many other passions and pursuits. She is Co-founder & CEO of Outsell, Inc., the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on the data, information, and analytics economy.

Anthea draws upon her deep experience in research and analytics businesses, product management, and marketing to oversee Outsell, its brand, and its strategic direction. Anthea is Outsell’s primary spokesperson, identifying, writing, and speaking extensively about key trends and issues facing CEOs and top executives in the industry. She chairs the Outsell Leadership Community, a member service for CEOs and senior executives, and is a trusted confidante and confidential advisor to hundreds of leaders across the industry.

Anthea also actively measures, influences, and improves gender diversity in our industry’s most senior positions. She works with CEOs of startups and aspiring leaders, especially women, who are on their journeys to the corner office, advising these leaders on how to improve their business odds and their own success.

A graduate of Stanford University and Harvard’s Executive Program in Marketing, Anthea has sat on numerous boards, including the Child Care Coordinating Council of San Mateo County, American Business Media (ABM), and Innodata, Inc., a public company based in New Jersey. Today, she sits on the advisory board of NPD Group, Inc. and the Workplace Equity Project as well as that of Outsell.

Anthea is author of Magic in the Mundane, Making Life’s Ordinary Extraordinary and regularly blogs. When she is not pursuing her love of travel, she designs jewelry, gardens, and takes long walks with her husband Greg and their two Labradors, Nell and Benson.

Internationale Nachrichten

American Library Asociation versus Macmillan

It is Digital Book World’s absolute privilege to ban all Macmillan employees from attending or speaking at Digital Book World until the company’s library embargo is lifted and they fully comply with the requests of the American Library Association. This ban goes into effect immediately for all of Macmillan’s many imprints and subsidiaries, as well as for employees of the parent company, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group.

145 Millionen Dollar Schadenersatz für Opioid-Förderung. Electronic records software provider Practice Fusion will pay $145 million in damages to settle allegations that its services were used to influence doctors to prescribe opioid medication to US patients. Practice Fusion is a provider of Electronic Health Record (EHR) software to medical practices. The US Department of Justice said that Practice Fusion participated in a scheme aimed to increase opioid prescriptions across the US.

Unterstützung werbefreien Journalismus. Scroll – a start-up whose investors include Gannett, the New York Times and Samsung – debuted its ad-avoiding news service. For several dollars a month, the service is offering the opportunity to remove ads from your news reading experience and still support the journalists who create the content.

Bloomberg-Plattform zum Klimawandel. Bloomberg Media launched Bloomberg Green, a new multiplatform editorial brand focused on climate change news, analysis, and solutions. Bloomberg Green includes a new website featuring a global, interactive climate data dashboard, a daily email newsletter, a podcast, and a magazine. It will also include integration across digital video, QuickTake by Bloomberg, Bloomberg Television, Bloomberg TV+, Bloomberg Radio, and Bloomberg Live events.

Datenbank „Hispanic American Periodicals“. EBSCO Information Services releases Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI), a bibliographic database providing complete citations to the contents of scholarly journals related to Latin America and the Caribbean published around the world since the late 1960s. Hispanic American Periodicals Index, produced by the Latin American Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles, is now available for annual subscription through EBSCO.

Elsevier mit 3D-Medical-Plattform. Elsevier has acquired 3D4Medical, the global anatomy education company. 3D4Medical created Complete Anatomy, a 3D anatomy platform, revolutionizing how students, educators, health professionals and patients understand and interact with anatomy. This acquisition brings a 3D technology platform to strengthen Elsevier’s health education offerings, improving learning outcomes for health students and professionals.

Vorläufig keine Veränderungen an Lynda wegen Datenschutzbedenken. LinkedIn has temporarily delayed planned changes to after libraries around the country raised privacy concerns. LinkedIn announced that it would require users of to create a LinkedIn account to get to the video collection. That turned out to cause particular challenges for public libraries, since it meant forcing library users to give personal information to LinkedIn to access the videos, a practice that violates long-standing privacy policies and norms.

Quelle: Outsell

Open Password

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International Co-operation Partner:

Outsell (London)
Business Industry Information Association/BIIA (Hongkong)

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Das Open Password Archiv ist eine digitale Sammlung von über 1.100 Artikeln und Ausgaben des ehemaligen Newsletters „Open Password“ aus der Publikation “Password Online”. Diese Publikation, die von 1986 bis 2015 als Print-Ausgabe erschien, diente als zentrale Informationsquelle für Fachleute in der Informationsbranche.

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