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Open Password – Donnerstag,
den 9. November 2017


London Info International – Clive Snell – Information Professionals – Information Industry – Philip J. Ditchfield – Jinfo – Steilvorlagen für den Unternehmenserfolg – Rafael Ball – Matthias Staab – Sanofi Aventis – Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval

Introducing London Info International 2017 (1)

What will the information landscape
look like in five or ten years’ time?


Who will be the stakeholders?

By Clive Snell, Director, London Info International

London Info International 2017 is more than just another conference and exhibition; it is an independent platform that enables discussions, engages communities, shares knowledge and drives change with influencers, users and providers of information across all disciplines. LII 2017 is independent and inclusive. It exists to bring together a community of engaged information professionals to improve outcomes in research, education and business.

The London Info International Conference Programme has a truly diverse set of world leading speakers who will discuss and debate the most important and pertinent topics affecting us in the information industry.

Our programme focuses on the changes affecting industries globally: uncertainty, Brexit, AI, cyber security and fake news – just a few of the hot issues our speakers will debate. It’s increasingly difficult to rely on traditional social and political reference points. Faced with shifting strategic and financial challenges, we’ll ask how we in the information industry navigate a course.

We’ll also cover the rise to prominence in the workplace of millennials and Generation C tribes, the latest developments in the Open movement. We will ask whose research is it anyway? In a networked world do we need to rethink the way rights are protected and managed?  Plus, we’ll hear from a new generation of start-ups that are challenging the status quo within our industry.

This year’s conference is not just about celebrating everything that actively enables the information community to be at the cutting-edge of change, it’s also about preparing for the future. What happens next? What will the information landscape look like in five or ten years’ time? Who will be the stakeholders? Over the two days of our conference we hope to find some clues and insights.

We’re looking forward to a thought-provoking and enjoyable two days and we hope you’ll join us at the Business Design Centre in December.

Alongside the main conference come and experience a completely free exhibition comprising leading publishers as well as tools, technology and service providers to the global information and library communities.

The exhibition will include a completely free Open conference stream incorporating keynotes, business games and educational sessions as well as a full show floor programme of free to attend sessions. Special pre-arranged networking will be available for those seeking to solve specific challenges.

Also, brand new for this year we are, in partnership with Research Information magazine, staging “Challenges in Scholarly Publishing”, an interactive one-day conference for publishers, information professionals and academics, to be held on Monday 4 December.


Introducing London Info International 2017 (2)

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Hi Willi, …

Regarding the delegate pass discount, you readers can book a place here:

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All the best, Philip J. Ditchfield,
Director and co-founder London Info International,

Introducing London Info International 2017 (3)

Bringing the information community
in its broadest context together

Weitere Informationen zu LII finden sich in einem Interview in Jinfo, das am Dienstag veröffentlicht wurde. Siehe Im Folgenden ein Auszug:

Jinfo: What makes it different from other industry events?

Clive Snell: There are an awful lot of other industry events but I guess the fundamental difference is that we’re not tied to any membership bodies and we’re very international. There are many events that are there to serve members and that’s great and we’ve actually got good partnerships with a number of them, but we’re not driven by that.

We’re driven by our desire to bring the information community in its broadest context together. Through this desire, we want to be as inclusive as possible and get as many people attending as we can.


Steilvorlagen für den Unternehmenserfolg

Das Wort zum Donnerstag
aus dem Evangelium nach Lukas

Zu: Steilvorlagen für den Unternehmenserfolg – Keynote Rafael Ball mit Kommentar – Von der Unabwendbarkeit, Brutalität und Nichtvoraussehbarkeit  des digitalen Wandels  – Was machen wir nur, wenn wir auf Erfahrungen nicht aufbauen können? – Big Data – Freie und illegale Inhalte –  Die Emanzipation des Nutzers – Die Neubestimmung der Wissenschaftskommunikation, in: Open Password, 7. November, #278

Liebe Password-Redaktion, lieber Herr „W.B.“,

danke für die Berichterstattung.

Ich will nicht die Möglichkeit bestreiten, dass tatsächlich ein Uwe Marquardt  zur „Inkompetenz der Kompensationskompetenz“ veröffentlicht hat, aber was für eine Koinzidenz, dass es ein Beinahe-Namensvetter, Odo Marquard, war, der den Begriff der „Inkompetenzkompensationskompetenz“ prägte.

„Qui fidelis est in minimo“ (Lk 16, 10) ;-)

Mit kollegialen Grüßen, Matthias Staab,
Head –  Published Information Access -Scientific Information & Intelligence (S2i) –
Sanofi Aventis Recherche & Developpement, Chilly-Mazarin

Call for Papers


Information Retrieval

7th international workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR 2018), to be held as part of the 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2018) – <> – Workshop Topics:

– IR for digital libraries and scientific information portals
– IR for scientific domains, e.g. social sciences, life sciences etc
.- Information Seeking Behaviour- Bibliometrics, citation analysis and network analysis for IR
– Query expansion and relevance feedback approaches
– Science Modelling (both formal and empirical)
– Task based user modelling, interaction, and personalisation
– (Long-term) Evaluation methods and test collection design
– Collaborative information handling and information sharing
– Classification, categorisation and clustering approaches
– Information extraction (including topic detection, entity and relation extraction)
– Recommendations based on explicit and implicit user feedback
– Recommendation for scholarly papers, reviewers, citations and  publication venues
– (Social) Book Search- Information extraction (including topic detection, entity and relation extraction)

Archiv & Touchpoint

Das Open Password Archiv Plus bündelt mehr als 1.100 Beiträge aus den Open Password Pushdiensten seit 2016.




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Das Open Password Archiv ist eine digitale Sammlung von über 1.100 Artikeln und Ausgaben des ehemaligen Newsletters „Open Password“ aus der Publikation “Password Online”. Diese Publikation, die von 1986 bis 2015 als Print-Ausgabe erschien, diente als zentrale Informationsquelle für Fachleute in der Informationsbranche.

Im Archiv des 2016 gestarteten Pushdienstes finden Sie tiefgreifende Analysen, exklusive Geschichten und redaktionelle Beiträge, die wichtige Entwicklungen und Trends in verschiedenen Sektoren wie Finanzen, IT und Pharma beleuchten. Das Archiv ist online zugänglich und bietet eine wertvolle Ressource für Forscher, Information Professionals und alle, die an der Geschichte und den Entwicklungen der Informationsbranche interessiert sind.

Eine noch ausführlichere Zusammenfassung zu Open Password wurde vom ehemaligen Herausgeber Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Bredemeier verfasst.

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