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Open Password – Montag, den 21. März 2022
# 1044
Outsell – Global Library Information Market – Kate Worlock – Trends Driving Change – Forecasts – Estimated Number of Libraries by Type and Geography – Asia Pacific – North America – Europe – Africa and the Middle East – Global Library Content Spending by Region – Content Spending by Library Type and Geography – Spending on Personnel – Library Budget Allocation – Content Spending Growth by Library Type – Content Spending Projections by Library Type – Library Content Spending by Information Type – Libraries´ Allocation of Content Budgets of Information – Libraries` Allocation of Content Budgets by Key Content Formats – Implications – Day-to-Day Survival – Long-term Planning – Skills Shortage – Training and Development – Great Resignation – Essential Actions: Information Management Professionals – Preparing for Price Rises – Remote Offerings – Effective Negotiations Tracking Usage – Essential Actions: Vendors – Raising Prices Cautiously – Supporting the Log-Term Vision – Delivering Valuable Usage Data
BSI-Warnung – Kaspersky – Antivirenprogamme – idealo – Bitdefender – NortonLifeLock – McAfee – Telonic GmbH – Cyber War – Potsdamer Bibliotheksgesellschaft – Hans-Christoph Hobohm – ETH Zürich – Coffe Lectures – Zoom – Oliver Renn – Informationszentrum Chemie | Biologie | Pharmazie
- Titel
Outsell: Segment View: Global Library Information Market Forecast and Trends – Part II –
By Kate Worlock
Nach BSI-Warnung
Deutsche Verbraucher rücken von russischer Kaspersky-Software ab – Zusammenhang zum laufenden Cyber-Krieg vermutet
Potsdamer Bibliotheksgesellschaft
Events der Bibliotheksgesellschaft – „Besuche, Besichtigungen, Vorträge“
ETH Zürich
Die 25. Serie der Coffee Lectures
Outsell´s March Contribution*
Segment View: Global Library Information Market
Forecast and Trends
Part II
By Kate Worlock – VP & Lead Analyst
Table 3 shows the numbers of libraries by type and region. About 80% of the total are
school libraries, around half of which are in the Asia Pacific region. Outsell research of library data sources indicates that three-quarters of all libraries are in the Asia Pacific region, a consequence of rapid economic development and demographics: the region contains 58% of the world’s population. North America has the largest number of corporate libraries, while Asia Pacific leads in public libraries and Europe in special libraries (combined law, religious, association, and medical).
Table 3: Estimated Number of Libraries by Type and Geography, 2021
Source: Outsell, Inc.
North America remains the largest market, with North American libraries spending $12.3 billion on content in 2021. The fastest growing markets are still Africa and the Middle East, albeit off a very small base, and Asia Pacific, which has grown market share from 30% to 33% since 2018. This is largely at the expense of the US and Europe, where spending is therefore essentially flat or slightly down on 2018. Figure 3 illustrates the regional breakout for library spending.
Figure 3: Global Library Content Spending by Region, 2021 ($billions)
Source: Outsell, Inc.
As Table 4 shows, there are notable differences in the proportions of the content spend by library type in each region. School libraries account for around 60% of library spending in Asia Pacific, and over one-third of library spending in Africa and the Middle East and Latin America, but there is a more even spread of spending in North America and Europe. These differences are driven both by library numbers and by large regional variations in the average content spend by library type: content budgets in academic institutions, for example, are much higher in North America and Europe, on average, than the other regions.
Table 4: Content Spending by Library Type and Geography, 2021 ($billions)
Source: Outsell, Inc.
Libraries continue to allocate the largest slices of their budgets to content. According to Outsell’s ongoing Information Management Benchmarking surveys, the average library spent 53% of its budget on content in 2018, dropping to 50% in 2020 but rising to 60% in 2021. However, it is important to remember that content and data licensing also takes place outside information centres, so the total amount that organisations are spending on content is likely significantly higher.
In 2021, spending on personnel (both FTEs and outsourced personnel) took the brunt of this proportional change, with budget allocated to this category falling from 37% in 2018 to 34% in 2020 and then 29% in this most recent survey. Anecdotally, this has taken place through senior staff retiring and not being replaced, suggesting a decline in sector expertise. Remaining library staff are likely to require support from roviders to fill these expertise gaps.
Figure 4: Library Budget Allocation, 2020-21
Figure 4
Source: Outsell, Inc.
Content Spending Growth by Library Type
Outsell forecasts content spending to grow modestly (2.5%) to $30.2 billion in 2022. As Table 5 shows, we forecast that all segments aside from public and nonprofit libraries will see small increases in budget, but growth in public libraries will be weak and likely not enough to cover increases in information pricing. However, school library budgets, particularly in the US, may benefit from government funding to help educators close learning gaps that appeared because of the pandemic. Budget restrictions in all categories will continue to force libraries to make hard choices among resources, in many cases cutting resources that they see as valuable but can no longer support. In addition to funding to support the development of digital collections, there is also the potential for investment in data and tools in corporate libraries that can be shown to directly support organizational growth as well as in academic libraries where this investment can be connected.
Table 5: Content Spending Projections by Library Type, 2021-2022 ($billiones
Source: Outsell, Inc.
Library Content Spending by Information Type
Outsell’s Information Management Benchmark survey collected library spending data by information type (Figure 5) and content type (Figure 6). The numbers of responses to these survey questions were relatively low, making the data directional rather than
statistically significant.
In terms of information type, the basic buying patterns broadly align when comparing
2018 and 2021, with the top two information categories (Scientific and Technical and
Medical Information) remaining unchanged. The third most popular category in 2021
was industry-specific data, up slightly on 2018, switching places with Legal and
Regulatory Information. The two categories showing the most significant growth in 2021were Education Content (up from 2% to 10%, likely reflecting the investment by libraries to facilitate students’ digital access to content) and Social Sciences, up from 4% to 9%. Again, this likely reflects an area where there was a gap in digital library collections which librarians looked to in order to fulfil patrons’ needs. Digital collections of scientific and medical content were likely already well established, so little extra investment was required.
Figure 5: Libraries’ Allocation of Content Budgets by Type of Information, 2018
and 2021
Source: Outsell, Inc.
Figure 6 suggests a significant uptick in spending on databases of textual content from single providers, with the proportion of budget allocated to this category almost doubling between 2018 and 2021. This likely reflects librarians looking to fill specific content gaps to support remote research and learning activities. Aggregated databases also benefited from this trend but to a lesser extent given their inability to target specific content gaps — these resources are more suitable for libraries at an earlier stage of digital collections development.
The category which saw the largest percentage drop was individual e-journals, dropping from 22% in 2018 to 8% in 2021. This suggests that, during the pandemic, librarians were looking for subscriptions which were targeted, to a certain extent, but also able to serve a relatively broad audience. Given budget pressures and skills shortages, this was the most efficient way to make use of scarce resources.
Figure 6: Libraries’ Allocation of Content Budgets by Key Content Formats, 2018 and 2021
Source: Outsell, Inc.
The information management function was in crisis even before the COVID-19
pandemic. As in other sectors, the pandemic accelerated digital developments in the
library market, but this accelerated pace of change also exacerbated critical skills gaps. However, it does appear that while budgets remain a critical concern, they are at least not on the decline. On the flip side, given that vendor prices are likely to rise as well, this merely means that IM’s spending power is flat, not up. As emergency spending ceases, IM professionals are coming under pressure to continue to deliver the remote services they launched and developed because of the pandemic.
The all-hands-on-deck emergency nature of the pandemic understandably led the IM
community to focus on day-to-day survival rather than engaging in long-term planning. The function is strong in terms of the digital delivery of content resources, with print now a very small part of most IM professionals’ day jobs, but there is a worry that these professionals believe that their digital journeys are almost complete. Given the speed of technological change, that clearly isn’t the case — indeed, the journey will never be complete, and long-term planning remains a critical activity to ensure that the function can take advantage of these technological shifts.
The need to focus on day-to-day survival may have obscured the danger of skills
shortages in the IM function. There is clear demand for investment in training and
development, with the skills shortage likely exacerbated by the Great Resignation.
Without these skills and strategic plans in place, some libraries will find it very difficult to prove their value in an evolving technological landscape.
Spending on digital resources takes up the vast majority of IM budgets, with librarians
supplementing online databases, both aggregated and single source, through document delivery. Since budgets are tight, tracking the usage of these services will be a key focus to help make renewal decisions.
Essential Actions: IM Professionals
Outsell recommends the following essential actions for information management
professionals looking to secure a successful long-term future for their function.
Be Prepared for Price Rises
After 2020, during which many vendors kept prices flat to support the IM community
through the pandemic, it seems unrealistic not to expect price rises. However, vendors are keen to retain clients wherever possible given the expense of making new sales, so buyers are in a good position to negotiate prices based on usage data as well as to request additional services like customer support and training that do not directly impact the vendor’s bottom line. Effective negotiations will be important if IM functions are to continue to offer the remote offerings that were the focus of their attentions during the pandemic.
Think Ahead
Short-term planning dominated over the course of the pandemic. However, to ensure
viable long-term survival, IM professionals must engage in forecasting and future-
proofing. This means understanding the direct impact of technology shifts and working with the broader organisation or institution to ensure that the library’s strategies are aligned with higher-level strategic goals.
Track Usage
When budgets are tight, ensuring value for money is critical. Tracking usage is one way to check whether solutions are delivering value for money, but it’s only one part of what needs to be an holistic picture, encompassing additional factors such as usability and alignment with curricula and research needs. Gathering and analysing data has long been an important and growing element of the role of the IM professional, and this shows no sign of going away.
Essential Actions: Vendors
Given the continuing pressures on budgets and the range of shifting factors and priorities impacting information managers, Outsell recommends the following essential actions for vendors serving information managers across academia, government, and enterprises.
Raise Prices Cautiously
IM professionals have seen some budget increase in 2022, but budget constraints
remain their largest concern as the demands on the profession increase. Vendors,
many of whom held prices flat in 2020, are therefore able to raise budgets but must
exercise caution. The market will not tolerate extreme price rises; indeed, it will be
looking for evidence of additional value where price rises are in place. However, IM
professionals will also be unlikely to reduce or remove the remote offerings put in place because of the pandemic. Helping them to maintain those offerings, perhaps by delivering training to end-users, will help to ease the sting of any price increases.
Support the Long-Term Vision
The emergency nature of the work undertaken over the past two years (in combination with budget pressures and skills shortages) has driven IM professionals to prioritise short-term needs over longer-term strategic plans. This suggest that vendors need to be cautious about the future visions they present to buyers as the emergency nature of the situation recedes. Presenting a vision that looks too different from the reality of today could undermine the message.
IM professionals are digitally savvy individuals looking to utilise technology to improve their service delivery to patrons. Vendors discussing their own developmental priorities can help their IM clients understand what the future landscape is likely to look like and to plan for that. This is particularly important at a time where digital skills gaps are apparent in the IM function: acting as a partner rather than a vendor will be critical for building successful long-term business relationships.
Deliver Valuable Usage Data
IM professionals rely on usage data to prove value für money which, in turn, drives successful renewals. Given skill shortages in the sector, creating and delivering the data in a usable manner will save clients time and effort, helping vendors build long-term relationships.
*Outsell is the international partner of Open Password.
Nach BSI-Warnung
Deutsche Verbraucher rücken von russischer Kaspersky-Software ab – Zusammenhang
zum laufenden Cyber-Krieg vermutet
(idealo) Nach der Warnung des Bundesamts für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) vor der Virenschutzsoftware des russischen Herstellers Kaspersky ist die Nachfrage nach alternativen Antivirenprogrammen auf idealo deutlich gestiegen. Die zuvor sehr gefragten Sicherheitslösungen von Kaspersky sind hingegen seit der Risikoeinstufung von großen Nachfrageeinbußen betroffen.
Das BSI hat vor wenigen Tagen Zweifel an den Cyber-Security-Systemen des russischen Herstellers Kaspersky geäußert. Während Kaspersky im Februar 2022 noch der beliebteste Nachfrage nach Kaspersky-Produkte mehr als 40 Prozent ein. Hingegen stieg die Nachfrage der Wettbewerber Bitdefender, NortonLifeLock und McAffee nach der BSI-Warnung binnen Tagesfrist um bis zu 1.630 Prozent.
(Telonic) Die Telonic GmbH stellte in einem Beitrag unter der Überschrift „Böse Hacker, gute Hacker: Wenn IT zur Kriegswaffe wird – IT Infrastrukturen müssen auf den Cyber- und Netzwerkkrieg ausgerichtet werden“ einen Zusammenhang zwischen der BSI-Warnung, dem Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine und dem laufen Cyber-Krieg her.
Potsdamer Bibliotheksgesellschaft
Events der Bibliotheksgesellschaft
„Besuche, Besichtigungen, Vorträge“
Die Potsdamer Bibliotheksgesellschaft lädt Interessenten herzlich ein:
Events der Bibliotheksgesellschaft – „Besuche, Besichtigungen, Vorträge“:
Erstes Halbjahr 2022
(Termine, Orte für den Treffpunkt und Teilnahmekonditionen werden auf der Website ( zeitnah bekanntgegeben.
- Di., 29. März 2022 – 17h – Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Haus Unter den Linden), Gespräch mit dem Direktor Dr. Achim Bonte und mit den „Freunden der SBB“, Besichtigung Brandenburg-Preussischer Zimelien und des renovierten Gebäudes.
- Do., 7. April 2022 – 16h – BRAGI-Online-Veranstaltung „FREIRAUM IM ALLTAG“ – die Ergebnisse des Design Thinking Prozesses der Zweigbibliothek Am Stern / SLB Potsdam“ (online Veranstaltung: Anmeldung hier)
- Mi., 27. April 2022 – 17h – Besuch der Stadtbibliothek Luckenwalde „Bibliothek im Bahnhof“. Besichtigung und Gespräch mit der Leiterin Heike Rosendahl und mit Harald-Albert Swik, Vorsitzender der „Freunde und Förderer der Stadtbibliothek Luckenwalde e.V.“
Interessenten melden sich bitte unter: – Weitere Informationen unter:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Hans-Christoph Hobohm
ETH Zürich
Die 25. Serie der Coffee Lectures
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen!
Am 22. März 2022 beginnt die 25. Serie der Coffee Lectures des Informationszentrums Chemie | Biologie | Pharmazie an der ETH Zürich. Die neun Coffee Lectures sollen Studierenden, Lehrenden und Forschenden den Umgang mit wissenschaftlicher Information sowie dem Wissensmanagement in Wissenschaft und Alltag erleichtern. Die 25. Serie findet live vor Ort mit Kaffee und Schokolade statt, wird aber auch via Zoom übertragen. Deshalb sind auch Gäste willkommen. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht nötig.
Die Coffee Lectures finden drei Wochen lang jeweils um 13:00 Uhr am Dienstag, Mittwoch und Donnerstag statt und stellen in zehn Minuten eine Vielzahl nützlicher Konzepte, Datenbanken und Werkzeuge vor. Das Programm und den Zoom-Link finden Sie unter Mehr über unsere Coffee Lectures finden Sie unter
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Dr. Oliver Renn,
Informationszentrum Chemie | Biologie | Pharmazie, ETH Zürich
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International Co-operation Partner:
Outsell (London)
Business Industry Information Association/BIIA (Hongkong)

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