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Open Password – Freitag, den 11. Juni 2021
# 933
Steilvorlagen für den Unternehmenserfolg – Eagle Alpha – Sabine Graumann – Graumann Consulting Services – Emmet Kilduff – Alternative Data – Business Model – Freemium Database – Datasets – Quality Testing – SMEs – Data Driven Companies – Information Professionals – Data Owners – German Patent and Trade Mark Office – LinkUp – Data Hunters – Data Engineers – Data Scientists – Data Analysts – Pricing – Expert Networks –
Postbank Digitalstudie 2021 – Pandemie – Virtuelle Treffen – Internet-Rituale – Thomas Brosch – Zugänglichkeit – Altersgruppen – Streaming
Steilvorlagen für den Unternehmenserfolg
Eagle Alpha: Connecting
the Universe of Alternative Data
Sabine Graumann (SG), owner of Graumann Consulting-Services and head of the German Information Brokerage Task Force interviewed Emmett Kilduff (EK), CEO Eagle Alpha. Kilduff was the Keynote Speaker on “Steilvorlagen 2020”.
Eagle Alpha’s business model for vendors and buyers is well elaborated.
Sabine Graumann, Graumann Consulting Services: Questions…
SG: What is your business model? As far as I understood Eagle Alpha is a vendor and an aggregator of external datasets. Who are your clients? Which services do you offer?
EK: We are working with 1,400 datasets and more than 1,000 owners of data today. We are constantly discovering new datasets and providers. We partner with the owners of these datasets to monetize their data in three steps.
1st: We advise them on the dollar opportunity (discovery phase).
2nd: We help them to enter the market by outlining how they should structure and build their datasets (productization).
3rd: We support them to selling their datasets to the market (go-to-market).
From a buyers’ perspective you can work with Eagle Alpha in three different ways.
1st: We can help you to design your data strategy and ensure it stays best-in-class.
2nd: We have a subscription offering which helps you to understand and discover how to work with external data (Eagle Alpha Freemium database). We ensure that our clients efficiently find and prioritize the best datasets.
3rd: We have an advisory service where you tell us our top business questions and we match them with our datasets. We can be your data science team if you do not have any internal capacities to turn data into insights.
From the financial business model perspective, we charge for subscriptions to the datasets.
Convincing C-level executives of the benefits of external data sources is a major challenge
SG: One of the researcher’s problem is the acceptance of external datasets from C-level executives. How are the results accepted by C-level executives – particularly if the results contain unpleasant news?
EK: I think the companies that are using external data are mostly innovative companies where the results are understood at Board and Executive level. For sure, there are also companies that do not want to explore external data and that prefer to stick to their current strategy. However, companies like McKinsey have shown that the companies which are leveraging external data are more successful in the market. These companies use more (internal and) external data sources and possess a greater range of inputs and analysis for decision making, leading to improved results. This is one of the major reasons which may encourage companies to look at external data.
In addition, there are a couple of possibilities to help C-level executives to feel more comfortable when using external data sources. One is quality testing. Eagle Alpha spent two years to build a data quality testing tool in conjunction with 10 hedge funds. Quality tests on the datasets give our clients more comfort.
But there are also “softer” things to considerate. We have long lasting business relationships. We know our vendors for a long time. To a certain extent our vendors are huge billion dollars’ corporates who are selling their data. That can provide comfort to our buyers, too.
These are only some examples which make C-suite levels more comfortable.
SMEs can profit from external datasets more easily than large companies.
SG: Do you experience that not only data driven companies such as consultancies and large companies use external data? What about small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?
EK: I think in some cases SMEs are better users of external data because they are more nimble or flexible. If you think of large companies we can understand that it takes some more time to change their culture to become a data driven company. We have corporate clients who are huge global companies, but we also serve smaller companies where the CEO wants to become more data driven and sees external data as a competitive edge.
Customized data advisory services to access the best data hidden in a huge amount of datasets.
SG: Have you any suggestions for business segment information, e.g. for segments such as energy or machine engineering, etc.? I am thinking on providers such as IHS for automotive.
EK: This is exactly the type of questions we love to be asked as part of our (Freemium Database) discovery solution. This offering is intended for customers who want a trustworthy source to start discovering alternative datasets. It contains complete profiles, sample data and supporting documentation for over 1,400 alternative datasets. If necessary, our data hunters can advise our clients on the type of datasets that are relevant and support them by a customized data advisory service.
Eagle Alpha makes the difference: vendors with global scope and top quality.
… and answers: Emmet Kilduff, Eagle Alpha
SG: We always need the information professional to present the data to the board rooms, to rate the quality of the data and to explain how to interpret the data of your vendors. Who are they? Can you please name some of them? Are your vendors market research companies such as Nielsen, GfK, Kantar, etc., or other companies?
EK: At present, we have around 1,000 data owners. The datasets are typically not provided by global market research organisations because there would be no more real value to a corporate in Germany or in the US if Eagle Alpha would offer the same data which clients can buy from these organisations, too.
Let me give you two examples to explain who our vendors are. I have shown you one sample from the patent industry. In that case our vendor is the German patent site (from the German Patent and Trade Mark Office), one of the leading patent providers that we found across the world and with whom we work for a number of years. Regarding employee data we are using a company based in Minneapolis in the US, called LinkUp. This is our licensing partner for employment data since more than 15 years. LinkUp is crawling the job portals of corporate websites.
SG: Are most of your vendors based in the US? Do you have a good mixture of national/international providers in your portfolio?
EK: Approximately 55% of the vendors in our database are based in the US. But that does not mean that they do not work at global scale. A good example is a satellite company in San Francisco providing us with global data on every country in the world. We are also cooperating with a trade company based in New York analysing global trade data around the world, i.e. between the US and Germany. As we are based in Europe, we have a good database of European datasets. Regions or countries such as APAC, Asia and China are critical for nearly every company. We have a so-called “data hunting team” in place which hunts for the best data for our buyers and which keeps us continuously up to date with new providers.
SG: Who are these hunters? Who is working in your company? Do any information professionals work in your company?
EK: We have four different teams working on the product side. First, we have data hunters, secondly we have data engineers who help to prepare the data for data testing, third we have data scientists who can evidence and value data. Finally, we have data analysts who know how to speak and communicate to our buyer clients and who can describe and discuss actionable insights with them.
SG: Have you experienced fraud by vendors? A vendor may be claiming to have the researched data, but the data may be just faked.
EK: No. I think the reason is, we insist that every vendor offers Eagle Alpha a free trial of up to 90 days. During that trial period we have enough time to do the data quality testing. We have not heard about that.
Prices vary according to the complexity of clients’ business needs.
SG: You can please give us some information regarding the pricing? Are you probably able to indicate some price ranges for the case studies you have shown in your presentation at Steilvorlagen?
EK: The average dataset costs that we have seen in 2020 is 56,000 US dollars for an annual license. Consumer transaction data is the most expensive data – in some cases you can get high six figures – 800,000 to 900,000 US dollars per annum. But there are lot of datasets in the 20,000 or 30,000 or 40,000 or 50,000 or 60,000 US dollars range per annum. If you want to outsource the work to our data science team, then we have an hourly rate or offer a package. If you want to profit from our data discovery solution tool (Freemium database) to better understand which data is outside in the market it is 30,000 US dollars per annum.
Eagle Alpha uses appropriate technologies to identify experts or influencers.
SG: You have explained us that your 1,400 datasets are split into 28 data categories. One of the categories is “expert networks”. What is hidden behind this category?
EK: Eagle Alpha can use appropriate technologies to identify experts or influencers on specific topics and then to look at their expertise and analyse their online content. Example: If you want to identify experts in cancer drug development, you are able to identify experts, for example by using natural language (NLPF) processing technology– i.e. analysing all of their content by volumes of mentions, fields of expertise in research and development, etc.
The last major innovation in the hedge fund industry was the introduction of expert networks in the late 1990s. The last big innovation of the last 10 years is “big data” or “alternative data” which has started during the last 10 years. Eagle Alpha is the pioneer connecting the universe of alternative data.
SG: Thank you very much indeed.
Further information: Emmett Kilduff, CEO Eagle Alpha, or visit the website:
Postbank Digitalstudie 2021
Internet hilft durch die Zeit der Pandemie
Virtuelle Treffen mit Freunden
und Familie werden festes Ritual
(Postbank) Die Menschen in Deutschland haben einen Großteil ihres Soziallebens ins Virtuelle verlegt. Die repräsentative Postbank Digitalstudie 2021 liefert dazu die Zahlen: 74 Prozent der Deutschen pflegen auf diese Weise während des Lockdowns ihre sozialen
Kontakte. 50 Prozent verbringen in der Corona-Krise auch ihre Freizeit im Internet und besuchen Online-Sportkurse oder Musikveranstaltungen. Video-Calls und andere digitale Treffen ersetzen zunehmend persönliche Begegnungen auch im Freundeskreis und
der Familie: Für 43 Prozent sind sie bereits ein festes Ritual. Unter den 18- bis 39-Jährigen haben sich inzwischen sogar 59 Prozent an virtuellen Kontakt gewöhnt.
Von den Jüngeren sagen 68 Prozent, dass ihnen das Internet hilft, um digitale Spiele-Events, Musikunterricht und Sportkurse online weiter zu betreiben. „Moderne Technologien sind aktuell für viele ein Segen. Die Mehrheit in unserem Land ist froh, trotz Lockdown und Infektionsschutz über das Internet Kontakt zu Freunden und Familie halten oder dort sogar Hobbies nachgehen zu können“, sagt Thomas Brosch, Leiter Digital Vertrieb bei der Postbank. „Für eine Minderheit ist das Internet derzeit aber auch ein Fluch, denn wer mit der Technik überfordert ist und sich nicht auskennt, fühlt sich
schnell sozial abgehängt. Deshalb ist es wichtig, auch für diese Zielgruppe ein leicht zugängliches Angebot bereitzustellen.“ Fast jeder Dritte gibt an, sich zu wenig mit Apps und anderen
Programmen auszukennen, um an virtuellen Treffen teilnehmen zu können. 26 Prozent sind im erforderlichen Know how überfordert und 24 Prozent verfügen zu Hause nicht über die technischen Voraussetzungen. Das betrifft auch viele Jüngere: Von den unter 40-Jährigen fühlen sich 40
Prozent sozial abgehängt. Veraltete Geräte wie Laptop oder Handy sowie eine langsame Internetverbindung schneiden sie ab von Homeschooling-Angeboten, Sportkursen und Chats unter Freunden.
Denn gerade bei den 18- bis 39-Jährigen hat die Kommunikation über Video-Calls stark zugenommen: 45 Prozent unter ihnen berichten von einer stärkeren Nutzung innerhalb der vergangenen zwölf Monate. Ebenso viele beschäftigen sich während der Pandemie mit verstärktem Streaming von Filmen, Serien und Co.
Corona führt zu Nachrichten-Junkies
Seit Ausbruch der Pandemie ist für 43 Prozent der Blick auf die Nachrichtenlage zum täglichen Ritual geworden. Auch das allgemeine Surfen auf der Suche nach Informationen hat zugenommen – 35 Prozent aller Befragten und 41 Prozent der Digital Natives haben ihre Surf-Gewohnheiten in der Corona-Krise ausgeweitet. Wer künftig das Internet stärker nutzen möchte (11 Prozent der Befragten), will nicht auf Nachrichtenseiten verzichten: Jeder Zweite von ihnen möchte in den kommenden zwölf
Monaten mehr News aus dem Netz.
Für die „Postbank Digitalstudie 2021 – Die digitalen Deutschen“ wurden im Januar und Februar dieses Jahres 3.048 Deutsche befragt. Die Postbank untersucht mit der Studie im siebten Jahr in Folge, welche Entwicklungen sich in den verschiedenen Lebensbereichen der Bundesbürger in Bezug auf Digitalisierung allgemein und insbesondere zu Finanzthemen abzeichnen.
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