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Open Password – Montag, den 3. Juni 2019
# 569
Hiscox – Cyber-Readiness – Deutschland – Großbritannien – Cyber-Experten – BIIA – Joachim C. Bartels – Belgien – Cyber-Angriffe – KMUs – Sicherheitsbudgets – Gareth Wharton – Credinform – Russland – Verdächtige Unternehmen – FTS – Universität Oxford – Universität Hohenheim – Social Media – Lebenszufriedenheit – Selbstfahrendes Auto – Civey – Eco – LinkedIn – Matching-Funktionen – Kahoot! – Paio – AMA Ed Hub – Orbital Insight – Orbital Go – Springer Nature – Espresso Courses – Quartz
Repräsentative Untersuchung in USA, Deutschland
und weiteren europäischen Ländern:
Cyber-Readiness in Unternehmen sinkt
besonders in Deutschland
Dafür höchste Schäden hierzulande
durch Attacken (900.000 Dollar pro Angriff)
Zusammenfassung des HISCOX Cyber Readiness Report 2019:
- More firms fall cyber readineness test: There was a sharp drop in the number of larger US and German firms achieving „expert“ scores.
- Using a quantitative modell to assess firms for their cyber readiness, only one in ten (10%) achieved „expert“ status this year, slightly down from 11% in 2018.
- Nearly three-quarters (74%) ranked a unprepared „novices“.
Zusammenfassung für Deutschland: Fewer large and enterprise firms qualify as ‘experts’ in the cyber readiness model of Hiscox – down from 20% to 14%. Hit hardest in the past 12 months with a mean cost for all incidents of over $900,000 – more than twice the average mean cost for all seven countries. A German firm reported a cost for all incidents of $48 million, the highest figure among the study group.
Die folgende Zusammenfassung entnehmen wir mit freundlicher Genehmigung der BIIA (Geschäftsführung: Joachim C. Bartels).
Mehr Angriffe, höhere Verluste, weniger Cyber-Experten. Aber auch höhere Ausgaben für Sicherheit.
A sharp increase in the number and cost of cyber-attacks is the key finding in a study of more than 5,400 organizations across seven countries, commissioned by insurer Hiscox. More than three out of five firms (61%) report one or more attacks in the past year, yet the proportion achieving top scores for their cyber security readiness is marginally down year-on-year. Belgium reported the most attacks with 71% of commerce reporting an attack, with more than 30% of business being attacked four or more times. However, 16% of Belgium’s larger businesses have very high-level cyber security experts and this puts them in the best position for attaining cyber-security.
The Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2019 surveyed a representative sample of private and public sector organizations in the US, UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. Each firm was assessed on its cyber security strategy and execution, and ranked accordingly. Only 10% achieved high enough marks in both areas to qualify as cyber security ‘experts’. Among the key findings:
- Cyber-attacks reach a new intensity: More than three in every five firms (61%) experienced a cyber incident in the past year, up from 45% inthe 2018 report. The frequency of attacks also increased. Belgian firms were the most heavily targeted.
- More small and medium-sized firms attacked this year: While larger firms are still the most likely to suffer a cyber-attack, the proportion of small firms (defined as those with less than 50 employees) reporting an incident is up from 33% to 47%. Among medium-sized firms (50 to 249 employees) the proportion has leapt from 36% to 63%.
- Cyber losses soar: Among firms reporting attacks, average losses associated with all cyber incidents have risen from $229,000 last year to $369,000 – an increase of 61%. For large firms with between 250 and 999 employees cyber-related losses now top $700,000 on average compared with $162,000 a year ago. German firms suffered the most, with one reporting a cost for all incidents of $48 million.
- More firms fail cyber readiness test: Using a quantitative model to assess firms for their cyber readiness, only one in ten (10%) achieved ‘expert’ status this year, slightly down from 11% in 2018. Nearly three-quarters (74%) ranked as unprepared ‘novices’. There was a sharp drop in the number of larger US and German firms achieving ‘expert’ scores.
- Cyber security spending up by a quarter: The average spend on cyber security is now $1.45million, up 24% on 2018, and the pace of spending is accelerating. The total spend by the 5,400 firms in the survey comes to $7.9 billion. Two-thirds of respondents (67%) plan to increase their cyber security budgets by 5% or more in the year ahead.
Der Fall Großbritannien.
UK business, even ones that say they are not really secure against attacks, are reporting a significant increase in cyber breaches, according to Hiscox. Hiscox say that 55% of business have been attacked in 2019, which is a 15% increase in one year. But almost three quarters of firms were ranked as „novices“ in terms of cyber readiness. Hiscox said a lot of businesses „incorrectly felt that they weren’t at risk“.
It said there had been a „sharp increase“ in the number of cyber-attacks this year, with more than 60% of firms having reported one or more attacks – up from 45% in 2018. Average losses from breaches also soared from $229,000 (£176,000) to $369,000, an increase of 61%. Despite this, the insurer said the percentage of firms scoring top marks on cyber security had fallen, with UK organizations doing particularly badly. British firms had the lowest cyber security budgets, it said, spending less than $900,000 on average compared with $1.46m across the group. They were also joint-least likely with US firms to have a „defined role for cyber security“ on their staff.
In France the proportion was closer to one in ten. Gareth Wharton, head of Cyber at Hiscox, said the low UK spending could be driven by the large number of small businesses in Britain.“They may feel like they won’t be targeted, as we tend to only read about large breaches in the press. If they incorrectly feel that they won’t be targeted, they may be less likely to spend on cyber security.“ Hiscox also found the average cost of an attack in the UK was lower than average at $243,000, compared with $906,000 in Germany and $486,000 in Belgium. New regulation has also prompted action, with eight in ten UK firms saying they had made changes since the introduction of tough new EU data protection rules last year.
Credinform Russia
Wie sich verdächtige Unternehmen identifizieren lassen
Die russischen Erfahrungen
Credinform Russia provided information how the Russian Federal Tax Service has become successful in identifying fraudulent and dormant legal entities (shell companies). According to the Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS -authority responsible for registrations and taxation) as of March 1, 2019, 4 million active companies are registered in Russia, on 4,7% or 187 thousand companies attributes of fraudulent or shell ones have been found by this competent body.
The FTS, taking strong measures against shell (in practice – inactive) and fraudulent companies since 2016, have worked up the list of following attributes that may speak for dubious features in company’s activities, in particular such as:
- registration and trading address are different
• frequent change of registration address
• no lease agreements with working premises owners
• company age – young
• company or sole entrepreneur is represented by trustees registered in another region
• change of company’s management just before the filing of annual accounts
• inaccurate information on address, director, shareholder filed in the EGRUL-Register
• directors or shareholders are non-residents of Russia
• multiple filing of zero annual accounts
• equality of income and expenditure with minimum profit
• lack of employment data / single employee registered
• lack of open bank account / closure of all bank accounts / over 10 bank accounts are open
• cash flow without account balance
• registration of company and opening of bank accounts in different regions
How to find out that a Russian third party you have to do business with may be a fraudulent or shell one? The mentioned attributes together with other significant signs are taken into account by evaluating Russian companies within the credit management solution developed by Credinform Russia -The Information and Analytical system Globas They offer a special scoring that estimates if a Russian company of interest might be a dubious one. This scoring among solvency, likelihood of bankruptcy checks is available online and also in comprehensive fresh investigations on Russian companies performed by a local Russian company data provider.
See also “Russia Takes Action against Fraudulent and Inactive Companies” –
Quelle: BIIA –
Universität Hohenheim
Social-Media-Nutzung und Lebenszufriedenheit
beeinflussen einander kaum
Die Universitäten Oxford und Hohenheim haben in einer achtjährigen Langzeitstudie Wechselwirkungen zwischen Social Media-Nutzung und persönlicher Zufriedenheit untersucht. Wie sich zeigte, beeinflussen die persönliche Social Media-Nutzung und die persönliche Lebenszufriedenheit von Teenagern einander in kaum messbaren Größenordnungen. Siehe:
So lassen sich Veränderungen in der Lebenszufriedenheit (mehr Konsum, weniger Lebenszufriedenheit) nur zu weniger als einem Prozent auf den Social-Media-Konsum zurückführen. Um das Ergebnis einzuordnen: Die Häufigkeit, mit der Jugendliche und Eltern das Abendessen teilten, haben einen etwa gleich großen Einfluss auf die Lebenszufriedenheit.
Bürger nicht restlos
von selbstfahrendem Auto überzeugt
Das selbstfahrende Auto wird den Verkehr der Zukunft schneller fließen lassen. Davon gehen laut einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Civey-Umfrage im Auftrag des eco Verbands 43 Prozent und damit die Mehrheit der Bundesbürger bereits heute aus. Bei der Frage, ob autonome Fahrzeuge den Straßenverkehr außerdem sicherer machen, gehen die Meinungen auseinander. In der Gesamtbevölkerung aller Altersklassen glauben immerhin 37 Prozent aller Bürger, selbstfahrende Autos verhindern Unfälle, 45 Prozent glauben das hingegen noch nicht. Insbesondere die Generation der unter 49-Jährigen hat mehrheitlich Vertrauen in die Sicherheit selbstfahrender Autos. Bei den 18- bis 29-Jährigen sind sogar 57 Prozent davon überzeugt, jedoch nur 23 Prozent der über 65-Jährigen.
LinkedIn mit besseren Matching-Funktionen. LinkedIn announced several new jobs and hiring features, including new Instant Job Alerts, which is making finding the right jobs simpler, and the availability of a new Recruiter and Jobs platform, which is making it more efficient for hiring managers to hire quality candidates.
Lesen lernen durch Spielen. Kahoot!, the global learning platform, announced its acquisition of Poio, the learn-to-read app for all children. In record time, Poio has created a unique community in Scandinavia, helping children to learn to read through play. In June, Kahoot! and Poio will launch the English edition of Poio, and make it available to Kahoot!’s users world-wide.
Fortlaufende medizinische Weiterbildung durch AMA-Portal. Earning, tracking and reporting education, CME credit or maintenance of certification points from trusted sources has often proved to be a tricky proposition for physicians whose time is already squeezed. Now the AMA is stepping in with an educational portal—the AMA Ed Hub—that gives doctors and other health professionals a streamlined way to earn, track and report continuing medical education activities spanning clinical, practice-transformation and professionalism topics.
Erde selbst durch Satelliten-Netzwerk erkunden. Orbital Insight released Orbital Go, a product it’s billing as more of a self-service application that lets customers hunt for fresh insights on their own. It’s part of a mission to make the technology widely available to businesses, governments, and other organizations, allowing anyone to interrogate the planet.
Microlerning durch Espresso-Kurse. Springer Nature’s online learning platform iversity has expanded its product portfolio with a new format called Espresso Courses. These courses focus on “point of need learning”, and are designed to impart knowledge in a fast and efficient way. The first ten Espresso Courses cover a broad range of topics from agile methods and lean management to business communication and marketing to climate change.
Vom Social Learning zur Paywall. At its debut nearly seven years ago, Quartz’s model was to be everywhere — not behind a paywall, not locked inside a mobile app, ready to build an audience through social sharing. But times change — and audiences change. In a move that got little attention last week, the much-lauded global business news site announced that for the first time it would be putting all its articles behind a metered paywall.
Quelle: ECO, Outsell
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