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Open Password: Samstag, den 4. Juni 2016
ISI – Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaft
Call for Papers
15th International Symposium of Information Science in Berlin
und in englischer Sprache
Antescriptum von Open Password: Eine erste Beurteilung der Programmschwerpunkte des 15. ISI befindet sich in der Pipeline.
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to:
Call for Proposals: ISI2017 – 15th International Symposium of Information Science
13.03. – 15.03.2017, Berlin, Germany,
Important Dates
Deadlines for
– short and long papers: November 1, 2016
– poster summaries: November 1, 2016
– panel suggestions: November 1, 2016
– student summaries: November 30, 2016
– for thesis summaries: November 30, 2016
– for Gerhard Lustig Award nominations: November 30, 2016
Notifications of acceptance: mid-December 2016
The 15th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2017) will be held at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in March 2017. The organizers invite submissions addressing the overall conference theme of “Everything changes, everything stays the same? – Understanding Information Spaces.”
With the ongoing digitization and virtualization of goods, services and living environments, information science reflects on the potential changes within the information society. While some parts of the community proclaim a revolutionary shift not only in the way we approach information and information systems, but also in the way society constitutes itself, others state that while the applications and interfaces adapt to advances in information technology, the underlying principles for human interactions with information remain the same. At ISI 2017, we invite contributions on the development of innovative information spaces and services, on analyses of human-computer interactions in physical or virtual information spaces and on the role of information science and its research endeavors.
Papers and other submissions on the following topics, but also those which cover any subject in the broader field of information science including neighboring disciplines such as archival science, computer science, economics, law, library science, linguistics, political science and administration, psychology or social science are invited:
Designing information spaces:
* Digital collections – big data, small data
* Domain-specific information systems
* Information infrastructures
* Information organization and access
* Multimedia
* Social web, collaborative media
* User interfaces
* Virtual research environments
* Visualization
Analyzing information spaces:
* Information behavior
* Information literacy
* Metrics & altmetrics
* Quality management und evaluation
* User & usability studies
Impact of information spaces on research and society:
* Digital humanities
* E-Learning, E-Science
* E-Society, E-Culture, E-Commerce
* Globalization of information processes
* Information professions and professionalization
* Internationalization of information and knowledge
* Open access, open education, open innovation, open source
The conference language is English and English submissions are expected. The conference tool EasyChair will be used for all submission types unless otherwise specified. A style sheet and guidelines for submissions will be provided. Students and doctoral students are encouraged to present their research in special sessions. The following types of contributions may be submitted:
- Long papers (10-12 pages)
- Short papers (3-5 pages)
- Posters (1- 2 pages)
- Panel suggestions (1-2 pages)
- Student session
- Doctoral research session
There is also a special call for the Gerhard Lustig Master Thesis Award.
We are looking forward to receiving your submissions using our website at
Proposals will be reviewed by the ISI 2017 programme committee.
Hashtag: #isi2017
Twitter: @isi2017conf
If you want to look at the previous ISI conference:
Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions:
Prof. Vivien Petras, PhD
Berlin School of Library and Information Science
Humboldt University Berlin
Dorotheenstr. 26, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 2093-4325
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