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Open Password – Freitag, den 28. Juni 2019

# 583

Dow Jones – Niranjam Thomas – News Data – Actionable Insights – Advanced Analytics – DNA platform – Applications – LexisNexis – Big Data – Smart Data – Checklisten – Sanktionsrisiken – Pharma – Risikominderung – Fashion Indusrry – Forced Labor – Due Diligence Risiko Monitoring – Media Monitoring – Competitive Intelligence – Mindshare – WPP – NeuroLab – Tribune – Bankruptcy – Yahoo Finance Premium – Amazon – TenMarks – Brexit – Oxford University Press – Versicherer – Cyber Risks – Watson – Institut for Brand Marketing

Dow Jones

News Data Reveal Actionable Insights
through Advanced Analytics

By Niranjan Thomas, General Manager,
Platform & Technology Partnerships at Dow Jones

Can an aggregated news data set help explain a single catastrophic event and its evolution?

In an era where “data is king,” organizations (both non-profit and for-profit) may be overlooking one of the most powerful types of data available to them: news stories. The aggregation of news data from millions of articles can provide insights that solve meaningful problems, which other data sets struggle to address.

To best understand how news stories can be applied to a wide variety of events for the benefit of greater society (and how the same methodology can provide insights to business situations), we examined if the Dow Jones DNA platform—along with our partners—could show the evolution of impact and responses after Hurricane Harvey (which struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in August 2017) and the resulting network effects.




Analysts used the DNA Snapshot API to extract articles associated with Hurricane Harvey from July 2017 to December 2017, a period that began one month before the event and ended four months later.




The next task was understanding the roles and relationships of the different organizations that participated in the recovery efforts.


Presenting the data in a visual way makes it easier to grasp these relationships. In this case, the graph represented the entities as circles and the relationships as lines. The number of lines through an entity indicated if it had a greater impact during the event. This approach provided a compelling, visual way to identify the major players in the recovery effort immediately. It also was possible to identify which entities were related to each other based on the number of lines that connected them on the graph.




Beginning in August 2017, three topic clusters emerged during the first few days of the hurricane. In the graph, these topics were given different colors to make them easy to identify.

RED represented forecasts:

These were reports of wind speeds and issuing warnings, dominated by the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

PURPLE represented impact:

These were reports about the potential, and actual, impact of the hurricane. The articles were denoted by language such as “pummeled Texas with rain” and “disrupted shipments.”

GREEN represented associations:

These were parallels and comparisons made with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, such as death tolls and recovery efforts. The stories talked about things like “evoking memories of” Hurricane Katrina.




By including the dimension of time, as denoted by the dates on the news stories, the graphs showed how the relationships between entities change as the event unfolded. This provided vital insight into how the organizations worked together in different phases of the relief effort.


DNA analysis of data extracted from the platform was able to identify that the Houston Food Bank played a significant leadership role in the recovery efforts, and later (by identifying major sources of donations to Hurricane Harvey aid) how it could be more effective in future disaster recovery efforts.

If the DNA platform had been used to identify this information—or any of the other secondary impacts it found—as it was being reported, the organizations may have been able to identify and address issues even more quickly.

As this shows, a news data set’s veracity can help people and organizations to understand the long-term and secondary impact of natural disasters.

And while disaster relief assessment is an important undertaking, it is only one of an endless variety of activities and insights that can be drawn from news data. A short list of the business scenarios that news data can be applied to advanced analytics include:




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Erfassung unbewusster Gehirnströme

für Marketingzwecke

Launched in the office of Mindshare U.S., the global media agency network of WPP, the NeuroLab uses medical-grade EEG (electroencephalogram) and GSR (galvanic skin response) technology to measure second-by-second, non-conscious neurological responses to brand stories and media. The NeuroLab supplements the data from these neurological responses with pre-and-post Implicit Association Tasks (implicit bias testing), as well as quantitative survey responses.

Ein Buyout, der in die Hölle führte. More than a decade after Tribune Co. went private in a leveraged buyout that saddled the company with $13 billion in debt and led to its bankruptcy, Sam Zell and dozens of former executives have agreed to pay $200 million to settle a lawsuit brought by unsecured creditors. The settlement agreement would close the book for the corporate directors and officers behind what Zell himself called the “deal from hell,” an ill-fated transaction that the plaintiffs alleged doomed the company to insolvency from the outset.

Yahoo Finance Premium für Investoren.  Yahoo Finance launched its subscription offering for retail investors, Yahoo Finance Premium. This new service gives investors a deeper look at the data and fundamentals essential to everyday returns, paired with third-party research, enhanced charting with event analysis, and sophisticated company profiles to gain new insights and make smarter investments.

Amazon beendet Bildungsprogramm. The final days are drawing near for TenMarks. Come June 30, operations at the Amazon-owned online education program will cease entirely. School and district users had ample warning about the demise of the adaptive K-12 math and writing software—the company issued a notice on its site 15 months ago—and yet many say that the off-boarding process was not a smooth one.

Brexit erreicht die Kinderwelt. Brexit is the “children’s word of the year”, according to linguists at Oxford University Press (OUP). The department’s lexicographers annually analyse thousands of entries to a children’s short story competition and found a marked change in this year’s entries. Researchers found that the young writers used the word Brexit 418 times in their stories, compared to 89 times the previous year.

Expansion der Versicherer in die Reiche der Cyber-Risiken. Verisk, a data analytics provider, announced the launch of its Cyber Underwriting Report, a new InsurTech solution that can help insurers underwrite a wide variety of risks in the growing cyber market with increased speed and precision. The report is designed to help insurers underwrite policies in a range of industries where cyber risks are constantly changing and historical data is limited.

IBMs Watson gründet Institute for Brand Marketing. Adweek announced it is partnering with IBM Watson’s advertising arm to create a free educational resource called the Institute for Brand Marketing, aimed at helping marketing professionals become fluent in the latest technology upending their field. The six-month program is set to launch this September with one complimentary course per quarter produced by the Adweek editorial team and IBM experts.

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