Is information science in a time of a new digital world and globalization important in Germany? It seems, that in Düsseldorf, the capitol of Nordrhine Westfalia, the head of the Heinrich Heine University wants to go another way. With the retirement of Prof. Dr. Stock Head of Information Science in Düsseldorf the University takes the chance to save money by closing the faculity of information science.
Deeply shocked
The german information professionals and scientists are deeply shocked. One of the important german faculity with more than 1.000 students are in front of a shutdown. On Tuesday January the head of faculties will meet.
In the meantime the first protests are rolling through the net. Supporting tweets and first open letters are published by stakeholders and organizations.
International Protest and Support
Please support saving the Faculty for Information Science in Düsseldorf sending a letter of protest to the Head of the Heinrich Heine University:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbeck
Gebäude: 16.11
Etage/Raum: 01.53
Tel.: +49 211 81-10000
Fax: +49 211 81-15193
And please share the information and facts about the planed closing and danger for the information society using the hashtag #saveIWS.
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